Sunday, August 16, 2009

Let The Wild Rumpus Start!


Don't most people love the book, Where the Wild Things Are?

One of the things I love about this book is that my parents had it as kids, and I enjoyed it too, and hope my kids will also like it. I remember hearing it read to my 1st grade class by the librarian.

I'm so excited for the film to come out in October, and since I've had Max and the Wild Things on the brain, I made a little backpack of Moishe.

Here is a link to see the trailer. Every time I happen to see it, it makes me smile--I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this movie as much as I would if I were still in 1st grade.

So back to Moishe. By the way, I didn't know until recently that the wild things had individual names. I guess they were given names years later after the book was published.

I tried to design the backpack off the original illustrations. The body of the bag is horizontal yellow and orange canvas stripes to immitate Moishe's shirt/chest. I love the faux fur and horns.

I also added an interior pocket out of the orange canvas for this little guy. I don't know what my plan is with this wild thing. Keep it for myself, or put it up for purchase in my etsy shop. I think it would make a great gift, especially if you put a copy of the book inside! Or these cute little WILD journals. Decisions!

I thought about making my son a Max costume for Halloween, with the white baggy wolf and crown and thought this would be cute to wear with it trick or treating...hmmm, we'll see.


  1. oh my gosh I love it Jess!!! I need one of those!

  2. Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

  3. OH MY GOSH. I just made this same back pack. I had never seen this post! Great minds...


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