Saturday, July 10, 2010

Decor Lantern

For years I have loved lanterns.
Recently, I've been seeing them around, like these guys from Pottery Barn.
I've found them around $20.00 too.
But cheap-o that I am, I've tried to make one, or something similar on the cheap.
$2.00 to be exact.
I found this exterior light fixture at the thrift store for $2.00.  I thought it could mimic a decor lantern with some help.
First I gutted the lantern, throwing away all the electrical components, leaving the beveled glass shell and metal hook on the top.
2. Cleaned with soapy water and let it dry.

3. Using paper and masking tape, I taped off the glass

4. Sprayed it with primer.
Then 2 coats Oil Rubbed Bronze, 10 min. between each coat.

It is going in a bookshelf.

From the beginning, I've been wondering if it could really look like a hexagonal lantern, or if it just looks like I painted an outdoor light fixture and threw it on a shelf.
Many ideas don't reap great results, so what do you think?
If you walked in a house and saw this would you think
Lantern or Lame Fixture?
Just be honest, I can take it.


  1. i think it looks great and would never have thought of it as a fixture!

  2. definitely a cool lantern (it might need a base)
    I would never have thought of spray painting polished brass fixtures like you have nor could I have imagined how much of a great transformation can be achieved. I am beginning to see new hope for some of our aesthetic lost causes

  3. Definitely lantern! Now I got to look for old tacky gold light fixtures! LOL

  4. Never...ever...would I have thought you could take that kind of light fixture and turn it into what you did. I am kicking myself now for throwing out all our outdated fixtures. It's awesome.

  5. My first thought was that you had found a cheap lantern. Didn't think of it as a light fixture until you told me, then that's all I could see. Just don't tell anyone! :)

  6. I LOVE it jess! It's so unique...I imagine it will turn into a conversation piece in your home!!

    You could fill it with little items and change them out with the seasons, like for autumn put some acorns in there with a candle, and rosehips/cinnamon sticks would be fun for winter time.

    I've been loving all your projects recently too. Your kitchen has turned out gorgeous!

  7. I came across your blog the other day and am back to visit again. I LOVE it! Totally looks like a lantern. I enjoy all your projects - home decor, furniture and sewing. TFS!

  8. How cool! Great idea!! I am going to do some of our old ones too. Thanks!

  9. Lantern in my vote. Looks great!

  10. I think it is super cute! I wouldn't have ever guessed it to be a light fixture! Very creative!

  11. Right next to your David McCullough books especially, it's obviously a lantern! 1 if by land, 2 if by sea!

  12. I love it and I say it does not matter what someone else things. I love how the mind works and it is so refreshing to see your boldness and looking outside the box. I think if someone asked if it used to be a light fixture I would say "what do you think?" Then typically their brain opens up and they see a beautiful addition to your home. It is fun to be surprised by life! :) Keep creating.

  13. Lantern. And it looks like an expensive one.

  14. I would never have thought it was a recycled light fixture. Fantastic job!

  15. I love it! I have seen so many of those light fixtures at thrift shops! You really changed it and it looks great!

  16. This looks wonderful! I've been wanting to do this with an old light fixture I have laying around. :) You did a great job!!

  17. I think I just got rid of a fixture like that one. I might not have if I had seen this first!

  18. i just seen those lil suckers on pottery barn last night! i changed my outside light fixture last week and though hmmm i can re-use it somewhere outside as a lantern or something! thanks for sharing this! it turned out great and gives me motivation to do mine now!

    come check out my blog, im hosting my first giveaway

  19. are a genius! What vision you have. This idea blows me away! LOVE it.

    Thanks for linking up with us over at The CSI Project.


  20. What a fabulous idea!! Looks great!


    Check out my new blog...

  21. Love this. I wouldn't have never thought it started life as an ugly brass fixture.

  22. Great minds think alike! I just did the same thing to an outdoor light fixture.

    I love the shape on yours. And I do think it looks like a lantern. Well done!


  23. I actually like it better than the more expensive ones you posted!

  24. You are quite the talent and I'm glad that I found your blog. I have signed up to follow you and I invite you to do likewise. I also have a party every Wednesday called the Boardwalk Bragfest. It would honor me if you linked this project to my party.

  25. Oooh! Looks amazing! That would also make an amazing terrarium, don't you think?

  26. Jessica..what a amazing idea! It turned out beauuuttiiifullll!

    Hi, my name is Terri Smith. Found you today by way of Bobbypins and Boardwalk's Bragfest. So glad too!

    Thanks so much for sharing this tip..I have an old pair of lights sitting in my garage that I almost threw away. Now I'm convinced I can reclaim them somehow.

    Hugs of Georgia Sunshine,

  27. Just found your blog thanks to many that have linked back to this fabulous post! I am now a follower! You did a great job with this fixture - I love it!

  28. I love that. It is fabulous! the ORB makes it!

  29. Wow- I love this- I'm going to be looking for one of those :).

  30. Hi Jessica:

    I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I featured your ingenious lantern on my blog. You can see the feature here:

    Feel free to grab a "featured" button and I sure thank you for linking this project to the Boardwalk Bragfest!

  31. put a candle in it and it will really scream lantern

  32. Like everyone else I would have never guessed this was a cheesy bronze (outdated) light fixture! You did an awesome job, and it's very inspiring to see your great ideas come to life! I like the idea of putting a candle in it.

    Great JOB!


  33. I love it how people can take something ugly and turn it into something so great.

  34. Hi Jessica

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  35. I hope you mean lamp fixture and not "lame fixture"! I love the result of your make-over! Now I need to find a cool fixture that looks like a lantern. Thanks for the idea.

  36. I love it! I see them at garage sales all the time. I need to pick one up! Great Idea!!!!!!

  37. I love this, I have been looking for a lantern to hang on my porch but also do not want to spend a lot of money on one. My only question is, how could I hang a tealight in there? I'm thinking a glass tealight holder with a type of curve or lip at the top and wrap 20 gauge wire around the top and the somehow attach to the center on the inside.

  38. Yay! I found you again! I had seen this project a while back and saw the same fixture in Goodwill last night and snagged it for $3.00. I'm so stealing your idea :-) Thanks! I never would have seen the potential in that brassy ugliness if it weren't for you!

  39. Lantern, definitely!

    I think I am going to try this. One of my husbands coworkers just gave us 3 similar looking pieces and we were about to donate them because we don't need/like them. I shall now donate them to our home decor with this quick fix. Thank you!

  40. I have to do this! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  41. Brilliant! The magic of spray paint and ingenuity! Well done!!


  42. love this idea! where did you buy the oil bronze stuff? I have an old globe lamp that's pretty ugly but I think it can repurposed for my stairway. Help!



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