Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mantle + Another Thread Drawing

I painted my mantle a while ago, and since then have been slowly adding items.  I think I'm at a point I like it.
I did take every one's advice and lowered the mirror to sit right on the mantle.
A combination of family heirlooms, thrifted, purchased, and made items.

I found the blue vase for $2.00 - thrift store. The twigs are from my mom's house, my favorite trees in her yard are these Corkscrew Willows, with twisted branches.
I've been collecting clocks, I think this captain's clock was $12.00 - Tai Pan
White Vase- $1.00 -thrift store
Roses, front porch (yes, I have kept something alive)

Kerosene Lantern $2.00 -- yard sale
Glass Little Pitcher Thing (I'm sure there's an official name) Heirloom from my husband's Grandma
Thread Family Tree:  frame: $1.50 thrift store/ tree: scrap fabric, extra mat board, thread

For a few more details of the family tree thread drawing if you're interested:
Here's the frame I got at the thrift store.  It's solid wood and heavy, so I thought better for it to sit than to hang anywhere.

So I cleaned up the frame, and cut scraps of linen fabric the size of the opening.
I starched it to be a little stiffer, then got ready to sew/draw.

I wanted my family tree to be more fantasy like than a normal tree.  I had looked at this painting  but I thought it might look a little too-- scrapbooky is what I'd call it.  I had noticed really cool curved tree branches when I recently watched Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland, and really like them.

So I thought I'd combine my ideas.
So I did my first "drawing" in black.
But this first layer seemed a little too Tim Burton and looked borderline creepy to me.

So I thought I'd soften it up with a little color, starting with mint green:
Then I went ahead and added blue, since it's the accent color in the living room, and I still wasn't satisfied.
I sewed my signature in the bottom right corner, with the year....since I'm calling this "art".
Then sewed "family" in the left bottom corner, since this kind of creepy thread drawing wasn't looking much like a typical family tree.
So I taped the fabric to left over mat board I had from these prints.
I just taped it in the frame, leaving some raw edges of the fabric showing.

From a distance it looks cool, but closer, it looks kind of like a kid scribbled on paper, then when you get closer you realize it's actually sewn on fabric.
So I like it for now, but it's still a little creepy for a family tree maybe. 
But I guess art is like that sometimes?
Or maybe just when I try to make art.
Or maybe it is a good family tree because it's odd shaped, not perfect, some awkwardness, won't win any awards, but I still like it and it works.
Like me and my family.
Maybe one day I'll go through and sew creepy little gnome type people in the branches for each person in our family. 


  1. ok this thread drawing is so cute. See you are getting better the more you do it. You should see stephs first drawing. I'm envious of your creativity.

  2. I like the idea of the thread drawing, I might have to try it, but I wondered, what kind of sewing machine do you have that lets you do that? I don't think mine would do very well.

  3. this looks wonderful... I LOVE the using color for value idea. Hummmm I may have to steal that idea :) Good work, you are wonderful!

  4. Loving the mantle--it looks awesome!


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