Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reader Project

Here are some super cute onesie dresses Lindsay sent in!  I love the floral/ stripe combo and neckline detail on the first one, and using polka-dots on the other two!

Tutorial here

Lately, I've been in sweat-shop mode making capes, so nothing new and exciting to share from me, although I have an office chair in my garage ready to recover...hopefully I'll get to it sooner than later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope one of those capes are for Miles..he is in dire need of a batman cape, all batman!

  3. Wow! you are so talented! first time to read your blog (from grosgrain). I wish I have time to make one of the tutorials here. I'm pretty excited about the school bag:-)

  4. You can do so many things!!!
    Your blog as been an inspiration for me these days. Sorry the bad english , im brazilian =)
    Im happy that a found you!


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