Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween Costume: Ewok

 This year was hard to decide what to make for my son's Halloween costume.
I had planned for him to be Gus Gus at 6 months right when he was born a huge fat baby.
Last year, I was excited to make him the Max wolf costume from the book: Where the Wild Things Are.
Making my kid's halloween costume is a big deal to me.  I don't care if it's totally amazing, the Gus Gus was made with an old t-shirt and other scraps.
I just want to make a creative costume you wouldn't see at Walmart or find on Amazon.

But I had such a hard time this year thinking of what he would be.  He's 2 1/2, so I only have a few more years of total control before the kid has an opinion on what he wants to be.
So all summer my plan was to make him a costume to be Willow.
But my husband thought no one would know he's willow and assume he's a hobbit from Lord of the Rings.

So I thought about it, and ended up going with the main Ewok from Return of the Jedi. It's actually the same actor, Warwick Davis.  He played the ewok at age 11 in Star Wars, then worked with Lucas again when he made Willow.  I think Warwick was 18 or something when he was Willow.  Anyway, still Warwick, but not Willow.

The costume is actually a lot like the Max wolf costume.  I used his zip front pajamas as the pattern and added the hood, making the belly a lighter color.  The ears were sewn on the hood.  I just hacked out the red hood, which seems kind of big to me.  I think I'll hack some off.  The hood has two slits for the ears, then snaps at the base of the hood to stay on.

I thought it was a fun little costume, but I'm not as excited about it as I was the past two years' costumes.  But he does love it, and it is a fleece jumpsuit/ pajamas to keep him warm, so it's good, I just keep thinking of Willow.

Right in the beginning he grabbed this huge tree branch to put in the water.  I was surprised he could lift and carry it.
I think this is the last Halloween post I have planned, so on to other projects!
I did make another Halloween costume for my niece in the summer: Hot Rod .


  1. How cute!!! It looks so comfy, too. I love the picture of him walking away from the camera into the woods. Just darling.

  2. You have came up with the best Halloween costumes for him!! You're going to have to keep this up for like the next 17 years!! LOL Great job!

  3. That is SO cute! We were just talking about the EWOK's the other day here at my house! This is what I made for my sons costume! I didn't have a pattern and was so proud of myself!

  4. What a cute ewok! I always enjoyed making my girls costumes. I have to say he makes a striking pose and and ewok to reckon with. Great pictures, and wonderful creativity.

  5. Seriously I was just trying to explain to Brady what an ewok is the other day! I love them and you costume is perfect!!! He is so darn cute! Great Job!!!

  6. OH MY GOSH!!! BEST DAMN HALLOWEEN COSTUME EVERRRRRRR! I love that lil' boy I want to kiss and squeeze him!

  7. ha I love the picture of him walking with the stick... just like Wicket from "Ewoks Adventure"! love that movie!

  8. I love it! Hope he can appriciate all the work some year. He'll always win the prize for the best costume at school. Love the pics.

  9. Great costume and impressive midget actor knowledge! Finn is going to be Luke Skywalker for Halloween. Yay for Star Wars!

  10. I started to make my son a Max costume this year but wasn't happy with how it was turning out. I love your costume ideas!

  11. Oh and btw if you are making anymore of the wild thing backpacks to sell I would LOVE to get one!

  12. Gus Gus- what a cute and adorable baby!! Wow. Love it! ..And the rest of your costumes are too adorable for words. :) I always anticipate your posts.. you are so very talented.. :o)


  13. Adorable! All of them but my favorite is Willow!

  14. Super duper cute! I used to make my sons costumes until he decided he just wanted the scary masks we see at the party stores in town, that made me sad. :(
    My favorite one you made is the Gus Gus costume- so ingenious and beyond cute!

  15. so so cute!! And I love "Willow"...blast from the past! Great job, you are so creative.

  16. Oh my, is he adorable or what!! WOuld you mind if I featured your costumes on Kids Stuff World for part of the DIY Costume Round Up? Of course I would give you full credit & link back, I would just love to share this with my readers. Thanks

  17. So cute as always! I love it:-) My two sadly get comercial costumes of Woody and Jessie but hey they are super excited about and they pull it off with all their cuteness!

  18. I like the Ewok but Max is my favorite.

    I made my costume (Little Edie from Gray Gardens) and offered to make my Husband's. He decided he wanted to be Iron Man and since I haven't welded in a loooooong time. He bought his costume. And red and gold Tic Tacs to give out at the party :)

  19. okay, IF i can get the will-be-3-year-old to put on a costume this year without screaming like he's being hacked into tiny pieces by michael myers, i am totally stealing this idea. just letting you know right now. i'm a huge star wars nerd and to see my little porkchop as an ewok, well, that would be the living end.

  20. The great thing about Ewoks is that they are not to be judged based on the outside appearance. They might look cute and cuddly on the outside but they are ferocious and cunning on the inside. They are great for costumes, much like these giraffe costume that are great for any occasions.

  21. I love your version of the Ewok costume! Our family loves Star Wars and might have to use this idea for our two year old daughter so the boys can be corresponding Star Wars characters as well! :)

    We featured your costume in a round up of DIY Halloween costumes with tutorials. We would love for you to come check it out!

    Thank you for sharing!

  22. Last year, I was excited to make him the Max wolf costume from the book: ...

  23. Last year, I was excited to make him the Max wolf costume from the ...


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