Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I won $100!!

If you remember, I painted my kitchen cabinets white a few months ago.
I used Purdy brand rollers and brushes for the project.
Purdy has a contest where you can enter your projects that used their products here:

I entered my kitchen cabinets and I was today's winner!
You receive a $100.00 gift card to your choice of home improvement stores.
I chose Home Depot for mine, and I am just thrilled to have funds for future projects I have planned!

So if you have a project where you used Purdy products, add your story/ photo to the website!  There's also the gallery of other people's projects which is fun to browse also.


  1. Congrats! That's so awesome. They do look worth that prize!

  2. I guess it isn't really luck when there is all the hard work behind it!

  3. Yay for free Depot supplies! Congrats, you deserved it with how amazing that project was!


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