Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Fleece Jacket for Fall

A few different things inspired this jacket.  I saw jackets at Target made out of sweatshirt fleece.  I thought it was a good idea, a casual, comfy hoodie, but made with buttons to look a little nicer than a hooded sweatshirt, even though that's what it is.
Then I saw a coat from Anthropologie, which isn't on their website anymore, I should have saved the image.  The coat I can't show you had the waist seam and the 3/4 seam on the sleeves.

So I got some sweatshirt fleece when it was 50% off and used a basic coat pattern I had to adjust for this coat.  So far I really like it, I think my favorite thing about making my own jacket is the fact I can make the
sleeves long enough!
My family has really odd proportions.  I have a short torso, then really long arms from my mom.  Then I have these huge man hands with witch fingers from my dad.  All of these traits together makes proportions like an ape or orangutan.  In elementary your shorts had to be longer than your fingers, and the ends of my fingers almost seem to go to my knees, so there was stress back before bermuda shorts were popular.
So I've never had a jacket or coat with sleeves that actually made it to my wrist.
I think because of this, making my own jacket, these sleeves were going to be long enough and then some.
The pattern I used seemed to have a ginormous hood.  I planned on making it smaller, but just went with it.  It ended up have a huge hood, which is fine.   It makes it kind of unique I guess when we pretend I wanted it that way.  I lined the hood with charcoal yard dyed shirting that was on the clearance rack for $2.00/ yard.  The rest of the jacket isn't lined, as this is a glorified hooded sweatshirt.
The back has the same waist seam, then to diagonal seams going up to the neck.
I decided to add pockets to the outside, and went with puffy rounded pockets.   You can see I left a lot of the edges raw, the waist seam and 3/4 sleeve seam and around the pockets.  I thought it would add a more casual look to the jacket. 
So far, I've loved this jacket/ sweatshirt for fall.  Keeps me warm without pulling out the big winter coat, and light enough for the warmer days.  I think it's kind of cute too... for a hooded sweatshirt.
We were down visiting my mom and this is her porch filled with all the pumpkins she grew!
As kids we'd sell them, I think one year between myself and younger brother and sister (Lynette) each made over $50.00 which seemed awesome to us.
(his crusty face is what resulted from my mom telling him to make a scary Halloween face when she took the picture)


  1. REALLY cute jacket! And WOW look at all those pumpkins, I was in shock!

  2. Jess, the coat is fabulous! I need to make one for myself...any hints as to the pattern you worked off of?

  3. I loosely used McCalls M5714, there are probably patterns that are a much closer fit, but that's what I had

  4. Great job Jess and you get an A+ for your creativity and initiative. Isnt' it fun to make things that fit? I like the lining you chose for the hood too. Can't wait to see the coat!

  5. LOOOVE the jacket. and love all those pumpkins, hopefully they won't all explode on the same day!

  6. Amazing! You did a really good job! Totally lovin' the big red buttons too! And all those pumpkins, just as amazing. Your Mom must have one mighty green thumb!

  7. It's beautiful...nice job! I'm so in awe!

  8. completely LOVE it! I need a lurp arm jacket too...because thats what I have!

  9. This is awsome! I love it.... and it is going on my to sew list for the fall. I don't usually like the raw edges, but on this coat I think it's pretty perfect. Another quick question... is the dress form yours... because I will be totally jealous if it is.

  10. No! I wish the dress form was mine. It's my little sister's borrowed from her tailor shop...they are handy and now I really want one!

  11. What an amazing jacket!! I love it! And I am now following your blog, since I'm pretty sure I can't live without it :)

  12. Seriously, you are amazing!! I wish I could sew that well!! Good job! It turned out Dang cute!

  13. This is adorable!!! I have a sweatshirt jacket similar to this and I love it! It fools people into thinking I put on real clothes when in reality, I just wore a sweatshirt! =)

  14. I am so jealous that you have a jacket with long enough sleeves! Feel like making a twin of yours to sell? :) I don't think I'm experienced enough to make something like this yet but hopefully someday!

  15. That cool! Very well made!

    I keep telling myself that I need to make my coat BEFORE it gets cold, but I just can't get myself to listen! LOL

  16. This is so cute and looks so comfortable! I think I need one :)

  17. I really need to make one! Today. But, it will probably happen tomorrow. (if I'm lucky!) :)

  18. I love this! I had the idea of a sweatshirt fleece jacket stuck in my head after seeing yours and had to make my own. Now I just have to wait until it is cold enough to wear it!



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