Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rotten Eggs

Another creepy idea from Martha
Rotten eggs from dying the egg shells with tea.
Using a craft knife, I made pretty big holes in one end of each egg, then a pin hole in the other end to blow the yolk and whites out, leaving me empty egg shells.
I soaked my shells in tea for a few hours.  I forgot to add a little vinegar, which probably would have helped them dye darker before I decided they were done.

To display my rotten eggs, I put a little spanish moss in a trifle bowl.
Then I layered the eggs in there with some plastic bugs from Dollar Tree.  I cracked one egg open so you could see bugs crawling out from inside.
The insides of the shells dyed really well, but shriveled up as they dried.  My son threw some rice in here when my back was turned.  The raw rice was for something else, but I left them in, to look like maggots, or you can see a few grains of rice under the spider that could be nasty little spider eggs.

I only had 6 eggs when I decided to do this, but I'm thinking I may add a few more.  Or I may be lazy and just leave it as it is.
Martha used rubber centipedes that were fishing lures.  But I decided I didn't want to spend the money on real fishing lures, when a bag of 36 bugs was only $1.00 and is fine for me, although the rubber ones look really gross.
Happy Nasty Halloween!


  1. I bow down to your spooky awesomeness! I forget how much I love Halloween. I think I may just have to decorate today!

  2. AHHH LOVE this idea... I think I'll be saving all my shell's from here on out!


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