Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Little About Me

Here's just a few things about me, for those that would like to know. 
I was born in the mid-80s.  Thus had some awesome fashion trends for elementary in the early nineties.
Like the ginormous bow on my head--made my my mom.
At the time, I had always wanted the mile high bangs, but just went with the slicked straight back/ stringy perm look.
This is my 4th grade picture, and if you look close you can see I did my hair myself with all those bumps poking between the thick gel crusted streaks of combed hair.

I was a "bun head" growing up.
So obsessed with ballet, I wrote (probably when I was 10 or so) with pen on the arm of our 80s suburban "pro ballet is my future".
My dad was furious and my family still teases me about it.
(I'm the one on the right)
Luckily that wasn't my future in the end.
I danced until I was 16 when hip fractures took me out of the ballet world, which was devastating at the time because I'd allowed it to become my identity and life.  But it was probably one of the best things that happened to me looking back, and was a big turning point in my life.

I was a shy kid, especially at school.  I suspect some classmates may have wondered if I was mute.
Unless I knew you really well and was in a secure group of friends--then I was the one who wouldn't shut up.
Steve Irwin "Croc Hunter" impression with my friend's pet ferret.
NOTE: The ferret did survive my evil looking grasp.
At a slumber party camping the summer before 9th grade, the host's dad told me he'd take me home if I couldn't be quiet and go to sleep...I was on a roll with Steve Irwin impersonations that night.
I did get to stay and wasn't taken home in the end.

I was kind of a loser in high school as far as dating goes.
The few dates I did get asked on, I'm pretty sure were initiated by the boys' moms. 
I was never asked to prom.
I did, however, have a pack of guy friends who I was really close to.  Like brothers who would just walk in our back door at any hour of the night to get a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles.

Despite feeling like Marla Hooch minus the athletic skills in high school, I got married.
I had planned to most likely be an old maid, so it was quite exciting when the man of my dreams some how fell in love with me.
We were actually best friends for a while, and I was totally in love with him.
But I'm taller than Rhett and so I worried he'd never like me, which was confirmed by my dad when he said I was a giant, and he would never like me. 
But to both my dad's and my surprise, Rhett finally held my hand. 
I eventually found out he was pretty much in love with me, and had been for a long time too, but thought I wouldn't like him because I was taller.

I also have really ugly fingers.  Maybe professionals could make them look better, but I have super short nail beds, and bulbous globs of fat at the ends.  As a kid my friends would call me frog fingers.  My husband calls me pads.  My fingernails have to grow at least 1/4" just to get to the end of my fleshy bulb finger tips.  So my nails are short, and pretty ugly which is why we have this awesome, awkward photo from our wedding.
Which brings out another point that I'm really low maintenance.  I didn't get fake nails for my wedding.  (Or even have a reception.  My dad offered cash or a reception and I took the cash.  He loved that.) 
So the photographer put the groom hand on top, and carefully cropped my troll finger tips off for the cliche ring shot.


  1. LOL too cute! I may have to do a post like this!

  2. Love that you picked the absolutely worst kid pics. Where is the one where you're standing on gradma's back porch glaring at us? Love that one too.
    So glad you put some of the cute ones in. Can't wait for more chuckles to come.

  3. Bravo! That was fun. :) I enjoyed that story. All you need is, "And they lived happily ever after." :)

  4. I loved reading all about you! Its funny cuz I was around you for most of it but you were older than me. I always thought you were way cooler and I was so jealous of how talented you were in ballet. I was surprised to read that you were done with ballet at 16, you seemed so much older than me. Its funny how wrapped up we got in ballet and once we were done, we realized it wasn't the most important thing in the world. I'm so glad you have such a great husband, and the cutest little boy EVER! Congratulations on such a fun life! You are so talented and I love everything that you create!

  5. I've been following your blog for a few months now. Very inspiring projects! Thank you for sharing more of who you are with your fans. You sound delightful. :)

  6. We would've been best buds in HS! LOL!
    I'm still a sucker for 80's music, the stuff I grew up on.

  7. You are hilarious!!!!! I totally remember you in high school... And you are still as hilarious as ever!!!! I love all the pictures. I toally have the same picture of myself with permed haird and the Big homemade bow on top of my head.. Great post, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

  8. woh - i'm not alone!! i was quiet, awkward, shy, tall, lanky . . . etc, etc. Ü (ps - still shy, i think i've been lurking around here ever since you posted your toadstool bag. lol Ü)

  9. Loved reading this. I think we all have awkward 80-90 hair styles and disappointments, the fun part is the happy ending...that we grow out and over it. :) Thanks for sharing more about you.

  10. That was an awesome post. :) Thanks for sharing!

  11. Great post. I'm tall and almost always dated boys shorter than me. I hated my being tall then, but I love it now.

    I don't think anyone from the 80's can look back and say they had good pics! I know I didn't!!!

  12. I found your blog from another craft blog. I love it! I really love this post. Thanks for letting us see you! :)

  13. I really enjoyed that! Especially love the awkward wedding ring photo - troll finger tips ftw! ;)

  14. you are too funny!
    the picture of you and your husband is ADORABLE and you wouldn't guess you were hiding froggy fingers in that photo if you didn't know:O)
    i totally empathize with the early 90's hair and the bows. only i had the awesome 3 inch thick bangs to go along with them- ouch.

  15. Jessica- You are too funny! I was so excited to find your blog from a link that Megan posted on facebook, and you are AMAZING! Can I just tell you how talented you are, I am loving looking at your blog and thinking of all of the things I want to copy from you. Your son is darling, and I am sure your little girl will be just as cute. So excited to see you via the blogging world, best of luck with your new little one. Thanks for sharing your many talents! -Mindy

  16. Jessica! You are so funny (not to mention SUPER creative and talented with your sewing)! I really think you should think of it as therapy and consider giving us a froggy finger pic -it would be awesome :) I'm pregnant with my first and ur blog is going to the top of my bookmarks!

  17. I just stumbled across this, so fun to read! And I can't believe you didn't get asked on dates, you were (and are) so pretty! I'm sure the guys were just intimidated by you :). Anyway, thanks for sharing these little tidbits!


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