Thursday, February 17, 2011

Infant Pajamas

More baby projects, sorry if this is the last thing you're interested in.  I only have about 4 weeks left in my pregnancy, and went through the baby things and decided this little girl will be wearing some boy gear for a while.  My husband questioned my decision, but I thought it doesn't matter if she's wearing puppy body suits to puke on, and I'll put a bow in her hair.  I just didn't see the point in investing in all new girl newborn clothes when we pretty much just stay at home the first few months.  Crappy mom?
But I did make her some new pajamas.  With my son, I just used the snap body suits, and this time around I wanted the sacks to make diaper changing easier in the middle of the night. 
Snaps are just annoying in the semi-dark when you're half awake.

My first two attempts I didn't really like.
I had a pattern from 1984 I bought at the thrift store for the baseball tee neckline.   It was alright, but the neck seemed really huge.
I tried making my own pattern with the onesie neckline.  I don't know how many times I try, I never get a snug neck, it's always super wide and huge. 
Both are made with old shirts, the purple was an acetate sweater that is really soft.

So I searched around and saw some at the store with cuffs on the wrists to become a mitten.  I liked that idea.
Then I decided rather than trying the onesie neck (since I stink at it), to create a criss-cross top to allow the head through, but stay snug around the neck.  That idea opened the opportunity to use a mix of stretchy knit for the neck, and flannel for the sack and sleeves.

I bought this "snug flannel" owl print from JoAnns for $2.50 a yard.  1.5 yards made 4 sacks. 
All the solid knits were uncycled old t-shirts, so each pajama sack cost me around $1.00.

I think my favorite feature is the little mitten cuff.

The back of the sleeve has the cuff sewn into each side seam (sleeves have to be 2 pieces for the cuffs, rather than 1 like ususal).  So to use the cuff, you just fold it forward around the hole for the hand, and it becomes a mitten. 

These can be worn up to six months old.
If you leave the cuffs unfolded, the sleeves are longer for a bigger baby.
You'll just have the cuffs on the back.



  1. these are awesome- i love the kimono neck and the little glovies. I've yet to make clothing items for my kids besides halloween costumes and i was thinking something like this for the new one would be a good start. I'd love to see the tutorial if you feel up to it :O)

  2. Oh these are SO CUTE. I've been having second child/newborn guilt and feeling very unprepared to bring a new person into my home in 3 months, but these are just sooo cute, you might have just inspired me!!

  3. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a tutorial!! My second is due in about 6 weeks and I bought some robot flannel from Joann's when they had it all on sale, too. This would be so adorable!

  4. These are wonderful, Jess. I had a boy then girl, and I was so grateful because you can "girlify" boy can't the other way around. I'm so excited for your family to welcome Ellaria.

  5. I don't have babies anymore, but when I did, the sack bottoms were awesome. Both of my boys wore them. Great for diaper changes.

  6. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a tutorial!! I have so many friends who are pregnant and I would love to know how to make these to give to them!! and then when we have baby number 2 I can make my own!!
    thanks Karli

  7. Yes, tutorial please! These are adorable!

  8. Wow, they look great. You did a wonderful job. I couldn't agree more with snaps in the middle of the night. All 4 of mine wore sacks.

  9. Way way cute!! How clever are you?!

  10. Yes to tutorial please, lots of baby showers coming up!

  11. I too am 4 weeks away! I am so ready to be done! I love your sleep saks! So cute!

  12. I LOVE these and would love to be able to make some for my friend who has a baby shower coming up in a couple months! Definitely inspired that you used old shirts. Great idea! Please share the tutorial :)

  13. Jessica, I would definately make these if I had the pattern, gonna have another grandbaby in June!

  14. those are fantastic! love the owl fabric and newborn fold over sleevies. LOVE!

  15. I would love to make this once my baby comes!

  16. i would love a tutorial!! please?! :) we are having a boy this summer and sadly have mostly girl clothes and i would love to make some boy sleepers. adorable! thanks!!

  17. awesome!!! I love the cross over neck!

  18. I'd love a tutorial! These are so cute.

  19. Those are really neat. You did a good job.

  20. A tutorial would be awesome! These are so cute and practical.

  21. The first thing I said to myself when I saw your picture as the beginning is that I hope their is a tutorial.. please please do one!!!!


  22. I am so excited for you to write a tutorial on this...Please... Please.....

  23. The crossover top is adorable. When you are up to it I'd love a tutorial

  24. LOVE IT!!! What a sweet baby gift this would be!
    Please share tutorial!

  25. I agree with the above comments - I'd also love a tutorial, when you're feeling up to it. I would love to make some of these for myself and for shower gifts.

  26. Those would make an AWESOME tut! Especially since our #5 is coming this summer!

  27. I would LOVE a tutorial. I'm expecting #3 in August and have just discovered the joys of sewing. :D

  28. Wow, these are JUST awesome!! Thnx so much for going to all the "trial" work. Have our 1st g'son coming in 3 weeks---these would be SO perfect. So my answer is a resounding, really LOUD YES PLEASE! Love, love all your creative work!

  29. I confused people yesterday when I took my 4 month old out wearing a blue romper with yellow shorts (hand-me-downs from big brother!). It seemed crazy to me to buy more clothes that would only get worn a few times. The pink collection in larger sizes is growing though!

    Love the pattern, although it's too late for me to use. Maybe for gifts - there are babies popping out everywhere!

  30. Love these and would love a tutorial!

  31. I love those and would love a how to..I actually have the same owl material, I bought them out of it, there wasn't much left (3yds), so I took it all. I love it!!

  32. Tute please! I'm interested in making something like this!

  33. Jessica! I am not sure you remember me from high school but I found your blog. You are so talented. I love your projects!

    Megan (Shelley)

  34. I just found your blog yesterday, and I would be so excited to make the sleep sacks with the little mitten cuffs! These are adorable! please share if you have the time :)

  35. Love it its so cute! that would be a fun one to have...

  36. These are super cute!!!! Id LOVE steps!! These are my FAV things for babies, but they are sooo expensive! cute! Great job :)

  37. Love your little creations!! I made many many of these for my little ones (32 years ago!) out of flannel with a simple soft ribbon or cross grain tie in the back.
    The kimono style is so cute!!! Will have to give it a try. I sew for charity (not even a hint of grandbabies yet)and these would be perfect for new little ones at the women's shelter and the new teen moms in school.
    My 2 oldest are girls, the 3rd is a boy....blond hair, blue got it he made the prettiest little girl baby dressed in pink sleepers..LOL That only happened once, if we went out he was dress like a little boy! But all the pink stuff got used for my forth child, 3rd girl!
    Looking forward to meeting your new little one!

  38. I'm not a mom, but these are super cute!

  39. oh mine!! You are sooo talented. Everything you make is just so cute including these.
    Your little girl will look so cute.

  40. How adorable!! I too would love a tutorial. These would make great baby gifts.

  41. I would love a tutorial! My 4 are past this age, but they would make great shower gifts!

  42. These are super cute!! I would totally sew up a few if you put up a tutorial!

  43. My friend posted a link to this on my blog. These are super cute! I would love a tutorial/pattern.

  44. Would die for a tutorial/pattern.

    I am pretty sure you are a genius.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  45. wow, YES I'm interested! I've used this pattern before:
    But I LOVE the mittens and the kimono-style top!

    Is it just me or is knit fabric at the fabric store SO EXPENSIVE! I very rarely find nice soft t-shirts at Goodwill and the like, they are always those scratchy, not very stretchy cotton ones.

  46. Please do a tutorial for these! They are adorable, I would love to make some.

  47. Adorable!!! Everyone else wants a tutorial-- I am just thinking, maybe I'll have a baby girl and BEG you to make me some. (ha ha)

  48. Yes! Please do a tutorial on this. I would love to feature it as a Homemade Baby Gift on my Baby Gift Ideas Site!

  49. YES Please! These are SO cute! I'm having my 2nd in 7 weeks...I would love to make some of my own!

  50. I would LOVE a tutorial and pattern! My SIL is 36 weeks and these would be perfect for her little girl!

  51. How clever ! Love this idea!
    Thank you for sharing it with all of us.Be a great gift for baby showers.

  52. hey i loved your tute very easy to follow i just found the sleeves were too long.:( i hada 9.1 oz bub and i made them in advance lol. just thought i would let you know :)

  53. I will be a granda, really want to make this but, where can I find the patterns?

    1. click "Tutorial here" at the bottom of the post or here's the link:


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