Friday, May 6, 2011

Phoebe Dress

This is the "real" dress.
Remember I made the "practice" dress?  This is the real dress, using the cotton lawn fabric and making the adjustments I learned from my mistakes on the practice dress.  The pattern is Vogue 1086 and I added 1.5" to the bottom of the bodice, made the neck higher, added the contrasting ribbing on the waist midriff, lengthened the skirt 3", lined the skirt, and added sleeves.

I'm calling it the Phoebe dress because I bought the fabric and planned this dress to wear for my daughter's blessing.  Her middle name is Phoebe.  Her blessing was this past Sunday.  My sister-in-law and I had our babies on the same day, so we blessed our babies on the same day.

Since I talk about my mom all the time, I thought I'd show you a photo of her.

Here's the two birthday cousins.  Joshua slept the whole time, while Ellie was wide awake being passed around all the family.  Here's the link to her blessing dress I made {I did have to alter the bodice and sleeves to be smaller once she was born}

Here's the two brothers that had babies on the same day, my husband is on the right with our baby looking like she's nervous her dad will drop her.
So we had a great day with all the family, but back to the dress.

This was the occasion for which I spray painted my shoes yellow and they cracked.

I like this dress a lot better than the practice dress with the changes.  

I liked the bright print, it seemed fresh for spring. I also love the cotton lawn fabric.  It was easy to work with, drapes well, don't wrinkle as much as I expected, and is so light and breezy.  Great for the heat of the summer.

What am I doing here? I don't know, I feel like such a dork taking pictures of myself wearing clothing I made.    

The back of the dress is also gathered with the high v-neck. 

Not everything I make for myself works, but the rare occasion it does I get pretty excited about it.
If you like the dress design, this link is a pattern review website that I found useful in altering the pattern: Vogue 1086


  1. I would be proud too! This dress is beautiful and you look amazing in it. I really like all the colors.I made my practice dress and it was huge. I am trying to figure out how to make it smaller in the bust and arms. Do you have nay tips? You can see it on my blog. I hope you have a wonderful Mothers day

  2. This is beautiful Jessica! You did a great job with the alterations and it looks great on you. Congratulations on your daughter's baby blessing. Enjoy these special moments, they grow up way to fast {mine are all in school now and I really miss those baby years now}.


  3. It is a really pretty dress!
    PS. I love patternreview too!

  4. The dress turned out beautifully, and it looks lovely on you. Hooray, it worked!

  5. That is an excellent dress! I just bought some lawn to make a dress today and I'm just doing it cold turkey. No muslin. I am sure I will regret it. I love the fabric! Where did you find it?

  6. Beautiful! And I love it when you model your clothes. You look fabulous!

  7. The dress is awesome and I love the pictures-- keep it up! But wait....... did you darken your hair?

  8. Congratulations on the blessing! I love your dress and Ellie's. She is seriously so adorable- I can't wait to meet her one day.

  9. I love the dress and the shoes look great with it! Too bad they didn't last, but at least they looked good for the special occasion :) You look great by the way! And your little girl is so precious! Your mom looks beautiful also, tell her hi for me!

  10. A job well done Jessica! You look lovely. Your picture of your mom and precious baby is priceless. Oh and where did you get your shoes?

  11. Thanks everyone!

    I got the fabric from a few months ago.

    Shoes were super clearance from Khols

    And I did color my hair darker, I just wasn't keeping up with the roots of highlights and went closer to my natural color.

  12. Congratulations on the baby blessing! And your dress is so cute! I don't ever like anything I make for myself. It always fits funky. Yours looks great!

  13. That looks awesome! I always think about doing things like that for myself, but I never seem to get around to it. Congrats on the baby blessing! Those are some cute babies!

  14. Love all the pics. The dress is great. My favorite pics are the 2 babies with wide-eyed Ellie, the laying in the grass and the last one. Keep sharing.

  15. Wow it is so pretty! It turned out a amazing and I only wish I could look half that good after having a baby! I am always swollen for months...

  16. I love it! It turned out so great. I think the fabric is so beautiful! Great pattern alterations too!

  17. I found your site through one of your tutorials since I am having a baby girl in June. You and the dress look beautiful. I really admire your skills sewing, I am practicing and learning. It is nice to see an example of how you could alter a pattern to be more modest. I love it.
    Best wishes with your new little one.

  18. Jessica! This is a fantastic dress! You did such a wonderful job. I would like to say that I want to sew my own now but I think what I actually want to do is just pay you to make it for me. :)

  19. This looks fantastic. Absolutely beautiful. I am adding this pattern to my list to watch for on the next sale, and I'll have to look for some lawn, because it looks perfect!

  20. The picture of the two babies is so adorable. They will treasure that as they grow older.

  21. Love the dress! Very well made, and you look fabulous. Where's the baby fat? Not fair losing it all so soon.

  22. beautiful dress and you look beautiful in it! how fun that you and your sister-in-law had babies on the same day!

  23. This is so fantastic!! I love the fit and the colors of the fabric. Way to go! I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of it and bravo to you for gettng it done in time for the blessing! (how fun that they were born the same day!)

  24. Your dress is perfect!! LOVE the fabric and the changes you made to the pattern.

  25. Wow its really fantastic post.
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