Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Kind of Stink at Blogging

Thank you for all your encouraging comments.  Many were so helpful, and it's nice to know there are many other moms that stink at the blogging side of things and are OK with that too.  I've really enjoyed emailing and kind of discussing the issue with many of you and I think I've concluded there are "hobby bloggers" and "career bloggers" and I am very much in the "hobby blogger" category...and that's where I'll stay, although Molly, the roommate/ best friend and owner of the werewolf costume offered to make me a new header, so that should be awesome.  Although many of you don't ever see it to notice I found out!  You're like me and just read your blogs through google reader or burn feeder and never actually have to go to the actual blog.  So maybe having a smooth organized blog is overrated.
Anyway, thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate your wisdom, advice, and encouragement. 
This has been building for a while as I've realized, or really accepted how much I stink as a "blogger."

Basically, my passion is creating all the junk, and if it were a perfect world, a clone or robot would photograph and post all the crap I make.  Blogging can take a lot of time.  Depending on the project, the photographing, editing, writing, etc can take longer than actually making the project.  But I love the opportunity to blog and share my ideas and things I've made, and in return gather ideas from other creative people, and gain relationships with similar minded people out there.

But everyone's busy.  My stage of life right now is family busy.  I have these two little people that need my help constantly.

So when you evaluate how much "hobby" time you can take out of your busy life to dedicate to something that is completely just for you, (granted a lot of the things I made are for my family, but the blogging side is completely for me) there's definitely a balance.

So I've found with my limited "me" time, I chose to make things rather than be a good blogger.  It seems lately I've just happened upon a lot of big famous bloggers sharing their tips on having a blog be successful and I read their lists and I think "I don't do that, or that, on and on" and so I know I'm not a great blogger.  I don't have time to participate in all the hundreds of linky parties out there, or twitter (or is it tweet?) all day, or pay someone to design a cute blog template, or pay to fly to a blogger conference to meet other bloggers, or recruit sponsors to have scheduled giveaways, or organize a huge themed guest post month to run.  How do those girls do all that AND have time to make projects?  They must be super women! Or able to live on no sleep, which I found I cannot do as I stayed up until 2am for the last week and a half finishing the wolf/ fox/ bear costume and almost crashed and burned.
So I just make the things I like or feel my family needs, try to take some adequate pictures to show you, and move on the the next project.  I like getting to know other bloggers and interacting, but when I look at the clock and know I have one hour to do something in my hobby, linky parties are the last thing on my mind.  I always have a whole page of my projects planned, and I am one of those nerds that LOVES being able to cross something off a list that I've accomplished.  So I prefer to work on projects rather than network or grow a blog.

There are of course, things I wish I was better and more motivated to make this blog better.

For example, I've been hating my header for....probably a year now and just don't want to waste precious time to design a header when I could be spray painting something!  Or my tutorial pages are a mess and I haven't taken the time to link and organize everything for probably months, so hopefully you know what to search for so you can find a tutorial.  Or use the category tabs and scroll through.

So I guess I've just kind of felt bad for those who do read/ check out my blog that I stink as a blogger.  So thanks for sticking around and I appreciate it.  I guess this post said better what I get out of blogging, and why I have this blog.  It's really just to share my ideas and projects.  As much as the google follower or burn-feed numbers can feed a blogger's ego, I realize in many cases someone may click "follow" and never come back.  So for those that do come back to see this blog, thanks a ton and you're occasional comment really does motivate me to create things because I know a few other people beside my mom do enjoy checking it out and I'm always going to be making all of this, so it's fun to get to share while I'm at it.
{was looking for an embarrassing photo of myself for you as a reward since you've read all this, but chose this photo of my first semester of college.  I was 18 and a freshman and had to run to Smiths at 11:30pm for some sweetened condensed milk to finish making pumpkin roll.  On my way out the door told my roommate to bring her werewolf costume.  I wore it the entire shopping trip...because it's not as embarrassing with the mask on, taking it off and revealing your identity would be much worse.}

So in conclusion: I apologize I stink at blogging.  I don't blog to earn money with ads or try to get more and more followers, or become the sewing version of Pioneer Woman.  I know compared to a lot of the big crafty bloggers in general I am quite small, and that's alright with me.  (Although I do have to say I wish I was big enough to get free stuff like a Bernina sewing machine, Silhouette cutter,  AccuGo quilt cutter, etc.)  When I see big bloggers that are given free things like that I wish I was huge for the bling...don't you?}
But at the end of the day I just like to make stuff and think some of you may like to see and hopefully make some stuff yourself.


  1. I appreciate you. :)

    (It would be cool if we both got Berninas and Accuquilts! ;) )

  2. I love your work, and appreciate the you are sharing your talents, not running a finely tuned marketing machine. Keep up the good work!

  3. I'm so glad I read your post! I've been feeling the same, trying to keep up with family life and hobbies is just impossible some weeks and sometimes I would like it to flow more easily. I agree with you too: family and kids come first!
    Does it help to know you're not alone? I hope so, it helps me!

  4. You are in my Google reader, so I always know when you post something new.

    I feel very much the same as you. I have done so many projects that I took semi-crappy pictures of, and still have not made a tutorial.

    If I give up, then I feel bad. If I try hard, then I feel bad, because it's taking away my family time.

    On a brighter note, I love your tutorials and pictures.

  5. Have a rest and do what you want. It's nice to get free stuff, but there's a lot of work to get it. I know I'd rather just do what I like, if people follow, then great, if not, who cares.


  6. Blogging is such a personal thing and so hard to find the right balance. I'm just like you, trying to fit in as much as I can around being the best mother and wife I can. I'd like to be bigger, and I'd still like to grow my blog and be a successful blogger. Maybe slow and steady will still get there! I love seeing your posts in Google Reader and look forward to them, however often they occur!

  7. don't be so hard on yourself. Life is not blogging, life is your family and your hobbies right now. Blogging is incidental to that. I have a very small blog and often have blogger envy/project envy, but life is to short for all that!

  8. I love this post - isn't it entirely up to you what you want with your own blog? I still think you rock! Tone

  9. Ditto! And our kids look around the same age... My boys just turned 2 and 7 mos. They are so active and need so much mommy time that I could never even dream of walking in my craft room during the day. But my babies come first :) I love your blog and would have never thought you sucked at blogging

    Maybe one day when our kids are older we can get cool free stuff :)

  10. I lurk. I'm inspired. Don't care much about the header...(and my kids' pics on my own sidebar are very very old...updating them has been on my to-do list for, oh, a few months...)

  11. I always look forward to your posts! As a hectic mum too I know how hard it can be. I'm just along with you for the ride and I love everything you make, noone's perfect and some of those 'perfect' bloggers might actually be really miserable people!! I appreciate your honesty and encourage you to keep doing more of the same because you rock!

  12. I could have written just the same post myself... but of course I am not as gifted as you are, so THANK YOU for sticking to this blog and making our computers worth being turned on.

  13. Well I can really appreciate where you are coming from, and you do a great job regardless of what anyone else is doing on their blog! Thanks for writing such an honest post!

  14. you know I love your blog!! getting a free sewing machine would be AWESOME....if only.....

  15. I think you're doing great! You post so much...almost every day lately with a new project...that I was already impressed before all that other 'stuff'. Like you said, if your motivation was to make money, there would be other things you might want to do, but you do it for the love, for the sharing, for the enjoyment of the project. Carry on, Neville, carry on. :)

  16. Just wanted to leave a comment to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You have fresh new ideas and charming posts. I don't have time in my life to follow people on twitter or facebook, I don't even have accounts there. I sometimes find that fancy headers, twitters, facebooks, link parties are kind of fake and a persona is created which then has to perpetuate itself.
    Long story short, I really enjoy your posts, Running With Sissors is one of my favorite blogs. I sometimes wonder how you do it all :)
    Keep on keeping on, hopefully some bling will come your way too!

  17. Jessica,

    First of all, you must be doing something right since you have over 1500 followers! I love that you are your own person and that you don't try to mold yourself into what the perfect blogger should be like or do. I feel like we actually get to know who you are rather than an image of who you'd like us to think you are. Thanks for staying true to yourself and being authentic. Please keep it up!


  18. Jessica, your babies are so beautiful, and look so much alike laying side by side. As you said, they need you all the time. There is only so much of you to go around, and those babies will grow up so darn fast. Spend your time loving on your family without blogging guilt. You do a beautiful job, and someday there will be more time for blogging when those babies are all grown up. It is so healthy to have a hobby and make time for yourself, and if that is what crafting and blogging do for you, it's a win-win (for you and the people who enjoy your blogging, and your family who enjoy the fruits of your creative labor). I am of the mindset that it is important for our children to grow up knowing that we [moms] have hobbies and interests, and to see us actively pursue things that interest us.:-)

  19. I LOVE your blog, and I love reading it just the way it is. It reflects exactly what I've always loved about you as a person... You're so talented and nice and honest, and with that comes, being SO REAL. That's why people love you Jess, you don't try to put up this fake perception of perfectness. If you don't sand the old paint or whatever all the way off cause you didn't have time, then you just say it how it is. I think we can all related to that. Also, if you want some help redesigning a header I'd love to help you. I feel I've already gotten so much inspiration from your blog I want to help, and I currently don't have two kids at home that need me. So, not that you need it, but it you would be excited about it then let me help. :) Love You!

  20. Also, can't tell you how happy I am that the werewolf costume memory resufaced. What a good trip to the store...

  21. I love your blog. I'm glad you do it because you want to share and enjoy it... I like that it isn't cluttered with giveaways, reviews and sponsors/ads. Family is first and if you can keep a balance that works all around, keep it up!

  22. If you kinda stink at blogging, then I really stink at blogging. I love your blog -- you inspire me, but I'm not too jelous of you, because you don't get all the bling. :) It's just the right amount of "wow, she's awesome".

  23. I like your projects and that your blog isn't bogged down with this giveaway, or sign up for this and that, or look at my sponsers... that can get old. Your blog is great. Thank you for sharing!

  24. Oh man, you posted exactly how I feel most of the time about blogging. I have been thinking a lot about what really matters, and stuff in relation to blogging. I tend to respect the women who blog when they can--and just to share, a lot more than those who have 'made it big,' and have gotten all that free stuff. I still read their blogs and love their ideas, but I love hearing from people just like me that do things the 'creative,' way without all that fancy free stuff! And I love that you're putting your family first. That's the way it should be. Thanks, and know that we all understand that life is busy---because we are busy too! :)

  25. You don't stink at blogging. If the number of followers or the goodies folks send you is the mark of greatness, I'm stinking it up with you. :) Yes, I run ads, but I don't make a ton with it, it's enough to buy some fabric and keep up my licensure for the time when I can go back to work, but no more. The sponsors I have are all trades, with no money exchanged. I actually tire of the "big blogs". I'd rather read about real people, with a real life, that make things and inspire others. You are my DIY hero. Just do what you can, share your great projects and ideas. I learn so much from you.

  26. Don't worry Jessica! I love your blog WAY more than those others absolutely BECAUSE of those very things! Just do what works for you and makes you happy, and don't do it for anyone or anything else.

    And thank you for all of your hard work!

  27. Just wanted to say that I love your blog and have been reading it faithfully for a couple of years. I always look forward to your posts! I appreciate that you are genuine and not just trying to grow your business for profit. Don't feel bad because you are not like some others - just be yourself and do what makes you happy.

  28. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the things you make. I'm really looking forward to cutting out my maxi sheet dress this afternoon! Thanks for sharing your blog and projects with us!

  29. I love it! Thanks, Jessica, for being honest. I have three little ones at home and wonder how these other bloggers do it too. I find myself coming back to your blog all the time because your projects are perfect for family and kids - which is my life right now. Love the picture of your kiddos - they're adorable and the picture of you as a wolf!! hilarious. - karen

  30. My favorite thing about your blog is it is chock full of real projects. Not just fluff to fill in the spots where the real project didn't get finished "on time" or it ended up being crappier than you expected, or your kid is sick so you are reposting a bunch of things you've posted before. I love your blog just the way it is. I think this is a struggle that a lot of mothers/bloggers face. And those little ones are just so much more important than one more tutorial in the sidebar. I need to remind myself of this all the time. My hobby can't take over my real life. It's just a hobby. And I can still make things if I don't blog about them. Blogging about the project doesn't make the project any better/more useful/better outcome/etc. It just means more people see it. And though I love the blogging world because I can see all those projects, the sharing of a good project is not as important as making dinner for my family. A great post, I really needed to read it today. Also, I just found the perfect sheet for my Maxi Dress! Yay!

  31. All those big time bloggers must have nannies and a crew in the background :) I don't know how they get anything done with all the tweeting and blogging going on!

  32. to modify a quote from Bridget Jones diary..
    "We like you just the way you are"

  33. i love your blog! i feel the same way abut my blog....i like sewing...i don't like taking pictures and editing and posting them. it is precious time wasted on non-projects!

    thankfully, you do a great job of balancing all of this. as long as you are inspiring others, your blog is a huge success in my book :)


  34. I get so sick of all those other blogs because they are all just the same. I never enter giveaways, I don't have money to spend on the random stuff they review, and I don't ever read the guest posts. I just want to read about some neat ideas and it helps that you write well with a great sense of humor! Just last week I went through and deleted a ton of blogs off my bookmarks but I kept you because I love that all of your posts are real and helpful. Keep it up and don't change!

  35. All I can say is "You gotta do what you gotta do" and good for you for putting those cute kiddos at the top of the list. You tend to the blog as you can, and we'll all be here when you're able to tune in :)

  36. I just wanted to say that I eagerly anticipate every post from you. Your tutorials are wonderful, as is your sense of humor and the way you write each post. Your tutorials and ideas always inspire me to create. Thanks!

  37. Honey, I like you just the way you are! I appreciate all that you do.

  38. I gave up my blog when I got married, oh...5 years ago. I've added a baby since then. I don't know how any women do it who have a family, projects that they love and other time commitments. I enjoy reading you because you do keep it real with your projects. I've never commented before, but I wanted to let you know that.

  39. linky parties bug the heck out of me!
    I love that you keep it real and i am SUPER impressed by the amount of projects/work that you get done with your 2 sweet babies. i can barely keep my head above water with three- and that's with out painting/making anything! Thank you dear. Who cares about a header?! But yes, i'd LOVE a free sewing machine, lol.

  40. I came across your blog almost a year ago and have been following it ever since. I love the ad-free zone and enjoy seeing all the projects you come up with and complete on a modest budget. I used one of your tutorials to spruce up our couch with pillows, and my husband modified one of your bench patterns to make a custom bench/coffee table with a storage shelf for our cramped livingroom.

    Watching you transform your house into a home helps when I'm stuck in our one-bedroom apartment with the baby and dog thinking we'll never be able to afford a home. I look at all you've done and realize I can keep improving our apartment for next-to-nothing and, when the time comes, I'll have lots of great ideas for transforming a sub-par house into a fun home.

    Keep doing what you're doing--you're bringing joy to and inspiring more people than you know.

  41. I love your blog. I like that all your ideas are random (ie not just sewing, or not just for kids). I have spent hours perusing your past posts and will continue to do so. I don't find it too unorganised. Thanks for putting up the things you do, and thanks for making your family a priority rather than your blog. Encourages me as a mum to turn off the computer and hang out with my little man too instead of trying to project an image of a perfectly tempered person who can manage to create, love, clean, and have a great online presence all at once.

    After all, somethings gotta give and we don't want it to be our family or creativity for the sake of an organised blog ;)

  42. Well, I completely agree! I have a ridiculously small blog and I like it simply because I have 5 kids and if the blog goes by the way side for a few biggie. Continue to do this for you as a record for your projects.


    PS just an idea (I'm an idea girl like you're a project girl) what if you were to host a small contest where your readers designed the header for your blog. It would save YOU the time in designing, help boost your esteem as a blogger plus with all the entries you'd have headers to choose from for a long time!

  43. I LOVE your blog for all of the reasons that you think it stinks. I am so sick of the manufactured looking cutsie blogs. I don't read many blogs, maybe 6 or 7, but I always read yours and I appreciate the "reality" of it. I think it is awesome that you make stuff you really want, and who cares about fancy pictures. Every mom in America is now a photographer...practically. It would be nice to be rewarded with some awesome swag or dollars, but my personal opinion it for fun. Very few of the big name bloggers make enough money to justify all of the work or call it a job. Go with what you've got. I love it.

  44. I love all the things you do. They are things you will actually use. And I love that your blog is not all about ads and making money. It is nice to know there are other moms out there just trying to take care of the kiddos, and do something fun on the side!

  45. I've really enjoyed reading your blog this summer. You've posted some great stuff. The way I see it, I don't ever want to be more important that those 2 beautiful kids. They need you everyday, your readers can handle it if you don't blog constantly and post tutorials for everything that you make :) It's about sharing what you can when you can. I agree the free stuff would be totally awesome! But maybe not worth it when you think of the things you might miss having work so hard to get it :)

  46. I am with you my friend...I am not big either and a couple of weeks ago I even had a giveaway wasn't a Bernina or Silhouette or AccuQuilt...and nobody entered. I am tired of linky parties and am going to cut down on my following list because I am not sewing as much as I want to and I need to get to it. rear is going to get pretty big if I don't cut it down a bit. However, you are one of my first blogs to follow and I have kept you even as I cut others down so I want you to know I will keep your blog as you remind me so much of when I sewed my girls Halloween costumes and created unique clothes for us all. I hear you and truly, just stay as great as you are!

  47. Hey Jessica, I recently discovered your blog from all way over here in Australia and i immediately put you in my reader and you are fast becoming a must-read favourite. You've inspired me so much because your blog is so realistic and can-do. I've dug out my sewing machine and bought some material and thanx to you i have plans to build my first piece of furniture for my home office.

    There is no perfect blog, my own is always suffering because of kids/study/life. But it's mine.


    P.S. You nearly gave me a fright when i started reading, i thought it was an "i'm shutting up shop" post & i thought noooo i've just discovered you.

  48. You are doing the right thing in making more time for yourself and family. I am subscribed to your blog and enjoy receiving your post. I have taken a healthy attitude or what I believe is one by being more relaxed with blogging....not to worry of how many visitors and such. For some blogging is about popularity and others it is enjoyment of blogging at leisure and having those who appreciate reading what you post when you do!

  49. Well I, for one, think you're kinda awesome!

  50. I'm a lurker. I can honestly say this is the first time I've been back to your actual blog since I found you and added you to google reader.
    Yea, it would be nice to get free high dollar items. I for one would love a serger! But, I don't blog for free stuff. I blog for me and for family who live far away. We aren't bad bloggers, we are moms who choose not to spend their "me" time in front of the computer.

  51. Keep up the good work, Mama! I'll take whatever blogging you're willing to give up :-)
    I find your blog easy to navigate, and your header is cute! Sleep is precious... get as much as you can!
    Also, I'd give you a Bernina if I could! I got one this summer as an anniversary gift, and it is amazing ;-)

  52. When I started reading this, I thought it sounded like a "goodbye, I'm done blogging" post, and I was shouting NOOOOO! I'm glad it wasn't. I love your posts and your projects and especially when you share funny/embarrassing stories about yourself. You seem like a very fun person!

  53. I adore you. You have given me the courage to try new things. I also love it when you are refreshingly honest about mistakes or when you paint over paint without stripping it first, etc. It always turns out great anyway. You show us how to use our brains and common sense to figure out to fix "mistakes", regroup, do it our own way. Not to insinuate that this is true of you, but I am learning that sometimes "not perfect" is quite good enough! My husband is a perfectionist and sometimes he can't get started on a project because he thinks it won't be up to his standards. If I waited until I could make everything "perfect" I would never create anything again! Please don't worry and please don't change! We LIKE the way you blog! We love you because you are so real,! Thanks for being there!

  54. I just want to add that I love your blog just the way it is! Hooray for hobby bloggers!

  55. YOU DO NOT STINK AT BLOGGING! Where did you get that horrid idea. You are sometimes way too hard on yourself. It is time you quit judging this beautiful girl and told her how much you love her instead. Go to the mirror and do that several times a day. It will feel fake at first but give it time... it will revolutionize your outlook.

    Blogging, like motherhood, baking, housekeeping, relationships, etc. is a personal enterprise. YOU CAN DO IT ANY WAY YOU WANT. I don't see any hard-and-fast rules. I'd guess the more linked-up folks are working for income and that would drive their efforts. It's okay if you don't like blogging as much as they do!

    But it seems your blog is ALSO a creative outlet, one that isn't sitting outside with lemonade on it, no, but it's honing other skills. Your writing is clear and flowing. I bet it wasn't always that way. Your pics are incredibly well-staged and fun. (oh those nieces!) I think your tutes are functional, well-thought-out and 'just right'.

    AHEM.... like a couple dozen people said, so many people read your blog we couldn't all fit in your backyard if we wanted to ;~D

    Quick note: I read about a thousand news articles a week and only a handful of blogs. I study very serious political issues and am active online with various groups. Before I shut the computer down for the night, I check the inbox for your blog posts. They are the last thing I read before heading off to bed. The images and ideas are so soothing, like a cup of warm tea.

    Thank you for what you do.

  56. I completely understand how you feel. I feel much of the same way. Blogging is fun but can take up so much time. Being a mother severely limits your crafting and blogging time. Your blog is one of my favorites. You have great, unique projects. I like that you are not one of those people that posts multiple times a day, i honestly think they must be neglecting other things/people in their lives, no one has that much time!
    just keep doing what you are doing, it's perfect!

  57. We follow your blog because you don't have all the "stuff" attached!!! I want to spend my time creating the cute projects I see not entering contests or linking to this or that. Your blog is perfect the way it is AND your children are perfectly adorable...thanks for showing us your number one priority. I am constantly amazed at all you accomplish, a "Wonder Woman" to your fans!!!

  58. I love your blog! I love seeing your projects when you have a chance to share them! Don't stop doing what you are doing. You are great! I have a family blog I am not very good at keeping up with sometimes and I hate when family actually say something about it. Like I am not busy! Keep up the good work and say Hi when you can! We all love you!!

  59. Just to echo everyone else: you do not stink at blogging! I love when a new post of yours pops up in my Google Reader. You have great, real projects that are a wonderful inspiration to us other "real" people who have small humans to care for. And I think linky parties are overrated :-)

  60. After reading everyone's comments. I had a thought. I think 'career blogs' also take more time from their readers. If someone has a giveaway, I get sucked into it, and I feel like I need to enter all of them, and check back on them, or read all of the million posts they put up in one day, or even every day. I just can't helped but get sucked in! The way you run your blog helps give time back to your readers... to focus on their most importants. :)They don't have the time to waste getting sucked into more things. they want the basics... The Projects. :)

  61. Hear hear, I love your blog and ideas and look forward to reading your posts. Keep up the great work!

  62. Blogging is tricky. I totally blog with no intention of making something of it. I really appreciate the bloggers who do it as a business while maintaining a personal side to this crazy blogging world. I have to say my reader is filled with a 50/50 of the very unknown to the very known (MADE). I think my writing style is a little brash to appeal to the masses. I curse every once in a while. It's just me. I love reading your blog!

  63. I know I'm a little late, but can I just tell you that your blog is definitely one of my favorite blogs. I'm not a "follower", only because I haven't really figured out how to read it, but I do want to tell you I really appreciate your content and willingness to share life and your amazing projects.

    So I guess I just wanted to say Thank You, and I hope you continue blogging for a long time! :)

  64. Sorry, just to clarify, when I say I'm not a "follower," I mean that I just don't have it set up in a reader. I check your blog regularly. :)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. i'm not famous, either. and i don't get all the cool toys because of that. but i think it's okay. i used to think i wanted to be dana or kathleen or ashley, but truly? (1) i'm not that good a sewist and (2) i don't have the shiny happy personality required to do that kind of blog. i'm dry and sarcastic and a lot of people don't understand my humor. plus i have kind of a potty mouth. but i love making crap, so that's what i do, and my blog may not be as fabulous as i'd like it to be, but that's okay. we're fabulous whether our blogs are or not. :)

    Angela -


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