Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween: Willow

I barely got costumes done in time for Halloween.  
This year our family is the main characters from Willow, the 80s fantasy/ action movie.
RJ is Willow, the main character.
Baby Ellaria is Elora Danon, but we've been calling her "Ellaria Danon" the past few weeks.
My husband Rhett is Mad Martigan, and I was to be Sorsha.

Here's the characters from the movie.
If I'd been really ambitious, I'd have made my husband a suit of gold armor for Mad Martigan and a cool helmet for me.  But I ended up losing time and my husband was scheduled to work all Halloween weekend, so in the end, Mad Martigan's costume is a long black wig and my hsuband's just wearing his black scrubs on his way to work.  I didn't make anything for me other than buying a can of red hair spray that I ended up not using.  
So in the end, my exciting plans ended up kind of lame, but I think the kids turned out alright.  I was going to make vinyl boots for Willow, but RJ said he didn't want boots, just to wear his sneakers.  So I figured I wouldn't waste my time if he wouldn't wear them, which is also what happened to my original plan of getting him a brown wig, but realized a 3 year old wouldn't wear it.

So the the real costumes were only for Willow and Elora Danon, and were simple.

First is Willow.
It's basically a tunic and acorn pouch.
I used the tunic pattern from Rae at Made by Rae for her Charlie Tunic.
The fabric was a linen look and the trim was from a bin we have at my mom's house.  I thought about adding more solid red on each side of the trim, but decided it would be too much on the little tunic.

The one accessory I did make, was the acorn pouch.
In the movie Willow has magic acorns that he carries in a pouch on his belt.

It's just a square pouch with a rectangle top with a button closure.
I had left over scraps of brown vinyl from my ottoman pouf.

I wanted to have real acorns to fill the pouch, but couldn't find any in my area.
So I asked on the Running With Scissors facebook page, and Debbie mailed me these acorns, which was so nice and RJ has been carting them around for a few weeks now.

So it's a pretty basic costume, would have been better and more recognizable with the wig and boots.

RJ seems to like being Willow alright...but he told me he still plans on going trick or treating as the mean pumpkin.

I decided to split the costumes, so I'll post Ellie's Elora Danon costume tomorrow.
Happy Halloween!


  1. Suchb a good idea! Hope you had a great time! :)

  2. They look really amazing! That's always been one of my favorite movies. :o)

  3. What a great idea! My husband would have run around saying, "I am the greatest swordsman that ever lived!"
    Love that movie!

  4. Great job on the costumes. I haven't seen Willow in years. Time to check Netflix.

  5. One of the best movies ever! How creative you are!

  6. We are big Willow fans in our family! Our dog's name is Madmartigan.
    Love this tunic shirt.
    Such a creative costume idea!

  7. I love that movie! Growing up my parents didn't really buy any movies but Willow was one of the few that we owned and so I watched it over and over. Love the costumes!

  8. Ack! I love everything about this!!! So much fun.

  9. So cute and FUNNY! We LOVED Willow growing up...well...let's be honest...I own it on DVD and occasionally bust it out TO-THIS-DAY - LOL!


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