Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giveaway: Baby Boy Jeggings CLOSED

These little stretch knit jeans are so easy to make, I wanted to make another pair to give away!
I also wanted to show the boy potential in my pattern/ tutorial for the hipster dudes out there.
So you can win this pair of Baby Boy Skinny Jeans!

Using the same pattern and steps as the girl "jeggings", I made this little pair of baby boys skinny jeans.
SIZE: 12-18 months
Black knit denim with classic copper stitching 

I dug out some of my son's baby clothes and yes, Ellaria is sporting a dude outfit for this giveaway.
She's pretty cute as a boy too (I think). 
(Ellie is an average 8 month old, so these are too long.  They are sized for 12-18 months)

Stretchy, comfortable, denim knit with the elastic waist for easy on and off.

I chose not to sew the yoke stitching above the back pockets as I did with the girl jeggings.
Yokes are used on boys/ mens jeans too, but I thought the plain pockets looked a little more masculine to me.   
I forgot to mention in the tutorial, but I did design the back with a higher rise to accommodate diaper butt.

Perfect jeans for any little dude this winter!

Leave a comment  on this post with your email please and maybe if you feel like tell me your favorite dish out of your Thanksgiving meal, and if don't live in the states and celebrate Thanksgiving this upcoming week, tell me your favorite fall/winter dish.

Please only leave one comment/ entry, so if you need to fix or change an entry, please delete your first comment.
Giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere.
Winner selected by and will be announced the next time I post, which will hopefully be Monday but I make no promises.


  1. Baby boy + skinny jeans = adorable!

    Fave Thanksgiving dish - my Grandma's Sweet Potato Casserole. Think mashed yams (yep, not really sp's) with eggs, butter, sugar...topped with brown sugar, cinnamon, butter and pecans. WOW.

  2. Eeep! Those are SO cute, my wee man would look adorable in them.

    My favourite winter dish would have to be simple roast potatoes with sea-salt & rosemary.... yum!

  3. Cute!

    I love leftover turkey sandwiches... it is good the day of too, but I look forward to the leftovers!

  4. Very cute-I have a grandson those would be perfect for!
    And love the diaper rise!

    I look forward to making cranberry-orange relish--it's a lot of work, but everyone enjoys it, and it goes well with cold turkey, too!!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica!

  5. So cute, my son wears 12-18 mos right now!

    Ok favorite dish... We make a cranberry chutney that has big chunky cranberries and cilantro with black pepper... It is SO good! Have a great thanksgiving!

  6. didnt even cross my mind that my boy could wear these! cute! and definitely the stuffing!!!

  7. I can't choose a favorite Thanksgiving food! This will be my first year preparing the meal, so...I'm gonna say stuffing. My sis and I will (and have) refused to sit at the table until dad makes his stuffing.


  8. I just LOVE all the neat things you do... but this giveaway caught my eye because my niece's son will be 1 year old this month... and these would just look so cute on that sweet little boy! Please keep up your great blog about all the creative things you do!

  9. Super cute! I love the left overs that come after dinner!

  10. Favorite dish is my dad's stuffing. he uses a box mix, but somehow I can never make it just right.

  11. Sooo cute. I'm from Canada so we had Thanksgiving last month, and my favorite part of the meal is the turkey smothered in gravy :) Yum. And for this time of year, stew. I LOVE stew!

  12. I love these! You're amazing!!
    emilympearson (at) gmail (dot) com

    Typically I would say my favorite Thanksgiving dish would be Green Bean Casserole or pie, but this year my brother is serving salami with cream cheese and pepperoncini and I'm craving them soooooo bad... maybe because I can't eat them while I'm pregnant. Salami and cream cheese are the first things I'm buying after I have this baby!... who needs diapers :)

  13. um i would love these especially since i have a baby boy due in feb!

    My favorite thanksgiving dish is the stuffing! I could eat stuffing all day long! MMMMMMM Especially when it is cooked inside the turkey. :]

  14. The jeans are cute. The little boy wearing the jeans is adorable!!

  15. I love the jeans!

    Ana Belén R.M

  16. These are seriously so cute. And yes, your daughter is cute anyway you dress her :)

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is pie. Lots of pie. We are having 8 adults for dinner next week and I am making three pies, and there will be another three in attendance. A pie per person is about the right ratio in my opinion.

  17. Omg that's adorable!

    I think my favorite dish for Thanksgiving is the stuffing. I used to hate stuffing as a kid but now that I'm older I love it! Mainly if there's yummy gravy on it. ;)

  18. Cute! I love Elle as the model. :) my favorite thanksgiving dish is.... mashed potatoes. ah if it was any surprise. yummy! I can't wait. a close second are my mom's rolls. :) getting so excited to see family this week.

  19. Cute! And I have a 11 mo. old boy! I was wishing the girl ones weren't for a girl. :)

    I don't really have a favorite dish. I like all of it! I guess what is the best part of Thanksgiving is the crazy amount of food you can have. If I had to pick, it it would be mashed potatoes, made into a swimming pool, and gravy.

  20. So cute! And my boy will be 12 in 2 week))This days we are eating to mach kumpir - something like baked potatoes with toppings) Thank you!

  21. I love that you dressed up Ellie in boy clothes! I think they are adorable for boys too! Bowen could definitely sport some!

    As far as my favorite Thanksgiving dish it would be my mom's (orginally Grandma's) dressing. I haven't been able to get it off my mind the last couple of days!

  22. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is dessert. I just love pecan pie!
    I love the pants you made and thanks
    for the giveaway!

  23. These are darling!!!!

    My favorite Thanksgiving dish by far is STUFFING!!!! YUM :)
    Thanks for such a cute giveaway!

  24. OH MY GOSH! Those are just too cute. And your little model is simply adorable. She looks like a happy little one. Too cute.

    The one dish I look forward to is my Broccoli Salad with Celery and Raisins. My husband does not eat broccoli and I don't normally make this any other time of the year since all the Vitamin K in an entire recipe of this salad would make a huge mess of my blood thinner meds. I reserve Thanksgiving for this because my sons fiancee loves it too so we eat and I keep a little here and send the rest home with her.

    The name sounds strange but if you've ever eaten at Sweet Tomatoe's they have a salad called "Joan's Broccoli Madness Salad" and this recipe is almost identical to that one. SOOOOOO good.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. my favorite dish for thanksgiving is cranberry fluff, so good!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  27. So cute!! Thx for the cute giveaway..hmm.. I loves roasted turkey..

  28. Too cute!! :-)

    my favourite winter dish is roast chicken with, crispy potatoes, corn and garlic butter vegies1! mmmmmm!

  29. So cute!!

    My favorite thanksgiving dish is pumpkin pie. There is nothing better than pumpkin pie with whip cream!

  30. Ohh so cute! my kid is pretty well a hipster already, so some skinny jeans to help him along would be awesome!

    Oh and fav fall winter dish (I'm in Canada so thanksgiving is past) would be anything with roasted root veggies, esp sweet potatoes!


    johanna at planetfind dot com

  31. These are so cute!
    My favorite Thanksgiving dish would have to be sweet potato pie.

  32. My favorite thanksgiving dish is mashed potatoes & gravy or chocolate mousse pie!

  33. Cute! My favorite fall dish is tortilla soup!

  34. Its hard to beat a good juicy fresh out of the oven turkey. Altho I always look forward to my grandma's pumpkin roll
    smooze13 (at) aol (dot) com

  35. These are so cute! I always look forward to the sweet potato casserole with marshmallows :)

    danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

  36. I love these little pants! They are the perfect size for my little man. Thanks for the giveaway!

    My favorite dish besides the stuffing and sweet potatoes is my roasted parsnip squash soup. I can hardly wait till the big day!

  37. Oh boy! So cute. I saw your girl ones the other day and thought how much I'd like to make a pair for my little boy, although jeans sound very scary to me! I JUST bought stretch knit denim stuff today in the remnant bin and thought it's a sign, I NEED to make these! I'd just as soon win them though and save myself the trouble ;)

    Mashed potatos are by far my favorite part of a thanksgiving meal :)

    Thanks again for all the effort you put into making great tutorials :)

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