Saturday, December 3, 2011

Miss Ellie Is Spoiled

My little sister Lynette is a really good aunt.
Like wipes my kids butts for me sometimes.
Sometimes I'm sure they wish she were their mom because she's always patient and  nice and willing to give out treats!
She's a good aunt to RJ, she blogged a funny story where he ruined all her bobbin thread here.

But she's got a soft place in her sewing studio for little Ellie girl.

Miss Ellaria is getting especially spoiled lately as Lynette has had free sewing time recently and this little chubby girl has become her little muse.

Just check out everything she's made for Ellaria!
each project is in more detail on Lynette's blog, just click the links.

Reversible Dresses
She made her two!

This is what Ellaria wore for Thanksgiving. 
When Lynette first told me her plan, it seemed like unusual colors for a baby girl, but I love it!!!

Ellie was only a model for her baby boy clothes...she barely squeezed in them

While I'm at it, Lynette also made me a button front blouse for my birthday!

In my favorite color actually.


  1. She is an awesome aunt and sis and daughter!

  2. Sounds like you ladies are all blessed to have each other.

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