Friday, March 9, 2012

Easter Dress Giveaway by Lady Danburry

My little sister, Lynette, has been spoiling Ellaria with a whole new spring wardrobe.
She is a great aunt to my kids.

This is one of her outfits she made Ellie and she made a second to give away.
You can enter her giveaway HERE for those that would like a cute, free Easter dress for their daughter, grand-daughter, etc!


  1. She is adorable! Love the dress :)

  2. She's just darling! Hooray for great sisters! My kids have a great auntie as well.

  3. I love that fabric! It looks amazing!

  4. Oh my gosh! That is the cutest little outfit! Sadly, my current baby is a boy ... but I have two cousins with girls who would fight over this if I win it! :-)

    joellemarie72 at yahoo dot com

  5. So cute! She really looks adorable on that dress. Can I borrow her for my son? They will surely become good playmates. I will also post my son on his dress shirt so that you can see how handsome he is.


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