Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Handmade Olympics!

If you can believe it, I'm still a little shocked, but I was nominated by Margaret of Star Graf Design and made it into the top 10 short list! Thank you Margaret!

I'm in Event 7:
Favorite Handmaking-Focus Blog

Dana from Made was the judge for this event to narrow all the nominations down to the top 10 judge's shortlist and won the gold medal last year for 2011. 
 I'm sure you all know how amazing Dana is.

I feel bad asking any of you to vote for me.
After months of Project Run and Play followed by So You Think You're Crafty: Allstars are you sick of voting for me?
Maybe.  Probably.  Most Likely.  
That's OK, but it's worth hopping over there to at least see nine other amazing blogs you may not already follow that are sure to inspire you.
I'm the last one in the list and on the poll.


  1. Awesome! And no, nobody gets sick of voting for awesome :)

  2. Fantastic! You deserve it!
    You've got my vote :)

  3. i can believe it! you are amazing! off to vote!

  4. so happy for you, nicey! well deserved. love your beautiful blog!

  5. You have my vote!!! I have never heard of the others, so my vote was easy...well even if....you still would have my vote....! you do amazing work! Keep it up girlfriend and you will always have my VOTE!!

  6. Woah, so, so cool! Congratulations! Off to vote... :)

  7. Congrats! Just went to vote, it's close! You were joint 1st, but now are one vote in the lead ;) You have an amazing blog. I want to pin everything I see!

  8. I'm so glad you made it into the top ten. You deserve it!! Good luck!

  9. congratulations! You have my vote. I'm headed on over right now :)

  10. Happy Friday! I left you a little blogging love on my site today so be sure to head on over and check it out :)


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