Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sherlie Blazer

 I love blazers. 
Especially on little kids, because you don’t see them often and they’re kind of British prep school to me.
I’m not British, nor do my kids attend prep school, but I like the polished style on kids.
Maybe it’s weird, but something I really like. 

The name for this "Sherlie" blazer came from Sherlock Holmes.  Sherlock's brother Mycroft calls him "Sherlie" and so the British vibe along with a more boy look seemed to go well.  
Also my Grandma's name is Shirley so family tie as well.

This blazer and was inspired originally by a pin on Pinterest.
I loved this little fall outfit with the layered textures, colors, and print and planned my own version: 

This little toddler girl blazer is made with wool suiting in burgundy herringbone.
I've only sewn with wool a few times, but it's probably my favorite fabric to work with.
Rather than welted or flap pockets, I chose to go with simple patch pockets as it felt less adult to me.  The upper collar was the biggest pain to draft this time around.   I guess I just got lucky on RJ's McCoy Suit.  I kind of just guessed/ hacked out the lapels and collar and they looked money, but this collar took three rounds, with calculating.  I guess I'm better at hacking than actually measuring.
The closure is just two leather buttons, and most people probably won't notice, but I had to put the buttons on the wrong side.

This blazer closes with the left-hand side on top which is the man way.
But I noticed the fancy inspiration jacket must be wrong as well, or is just a boy's blazer.
But I had to button this one the boy way due to the patch/ label I'd already sewn on the lining.
It's a little 2" circle of white satin left over from my wedding dress scraps, similar to the patch I made in RJ's Real McCoy Suit.  I use my sewing machine to free motion sew the text--quick but not perfect by any means.  The "sweet" looks like Frankenstein wrote it.
The patch ended up being too close to the edge and would have had a button hole through it had I closed it the girl- right hand on top way.

I wanted this to actually function as a jacket, so I lined it in flannel and it will be warmer than a cardigan, but not quite a winter coat obviously.
There's also a lot of extra room to grow with this jacket.
I've already had to extend the sleeves on RJ's suit coat, and this blazer can go 1.5 to 2" longer in the sleeves and in the overall length, so I hope this will last her at least this winter and next.

I added elbow patches in chocolate moleskin (faux suede). 
I really like elbow patches, probably many don't.

I plan to use the blazer as a jacket, to be dressed down with pants and tee shirts, then with skirts and dress shoes for church as well.

This was my last sewing project for Ellie's fall wardrobe, and was kind of my big finale for the set.
We're excited it's October and fall is here!

Me and Ellie

RJ was there as well, climbing the mountain and collecting a sack of leaves to take home.


  1. Jess, try it next time altering a pajama top pattern.... then you get the collar without fuss!

    Laura (who has to have patterns, but has become pretty good at hacking commercial patterns to get what she wants)

  2. I want that jacket! For my little man...

    ps. Love the elbow patches.


  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 1 post on Oct. 02, 2012. Thanks again.

  4. The collar looks awesome and the wool looks so luxurious to work with! I don't have the nerve to do jackets and work with expensive fabric. I wonder if the buttons on the inspiration jacket are on the wrong side to make it easier to dress the kids?

  5. so cute! and i love the elbow patches, by the way. great work!

  6. Totally adorable! And I love the Sherlock series :)

  7. Very cute. I love how the jacket looks dressed up, but is still everyday wearable.

  8. excellent. those children are just too adorable. how excited are they about the baby? are they having challenges with how long they have to wait?it is so difficult for little ones to understand time concepts anyway.

  9. Totally cute! It might have taken a few tries, but that collar looks amazing. I love the elbow patches too. My favorite part is the patch note on the inside though. =)

  10. You did a fantastic job {as always}!
    I love the elbow patches. They give it a nice finished look.
    I think more girls should wear blazers!!

  11. Hi!I from Turkey,I am reading your page love...Iiked the jaked...


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