Friday, December 28, 2012

Enzo Mari Knock Off Animal Puzzle: Mom Feature

I just wanted to share something awesome and handmade my kids got for Christmas.
My mom has been knocking out tons of cool things with her scroll saw lately,

But for each family with grand kids this year, we got an amazing wood animal puzzle.
The puzzle is designed by Enzo Mari, an Italian artist and furniture designer.
His official Animali puzzles can be purchased here.
He also has a really cool ocean animal puzzle he designed--Pesci Animal Puzzle.
*maybe next year mom??
So my mom made her own knock off puzzles for our family.  
She couldn't find nice wood 2" thick so she had to glue and clamp pieces of 1" thick together.
The animals are really simple designs, but creative shapes as well.

Here are my favorites: hippo, polar bear, fox and pig.

The puzzle pieces fit together in really creative ways and are perfectly cut to fit tightly.
Luckily for us, my mom burned the outline in the bottom of the frame so we could figure out how to put them together.
She also "signed" the puzzles with the year which makes them even more sentimental.
The best part is stacking them in vertical puzzles.
I think I've been playing with it as much as the kids!

It's meant for the kids, but I plan to leave it on the coffee table year round.
It's a cool, unique, artistic puzzle that appeals to both kids and adults. 

 So another slam dunk gift from Grandma, and hopefully the pieces are so thick my kids won't ever break one!


  1. Oh, wow! That is really fantastic. Your mother did an amazing job! I would keep it on the coffee table too.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. That is amazing! Way to go Momma!!! Also, I think I need to work out how to get myself a scroll saw!

    1. me too! I don't really have room for a scroll saw, but maybe some day. I know she practiced quite a bit before cutting out these puzzles, but I think anyone could make them.

  3. That is amazing! All of the wooden things your mother has made for your family are fabulous. What an awesome use of a hobby.

  4. Your mom is seriously amazing.

  5. That is amazing - I have a friend who does wood art... I need to send her a link to this for inspiration (she has done a few puzzles and would LOVE this).

    1. she should also check out the water animal version. (link in the post above) Very cool and more intricate design with an octopus that wraps a lot of other fish between the tentacles.

  6. Ok this is awesome. I would love something like this. And it is a family heirloom. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Do the pieces come out easily? They are beautiful even on their own!
    What a creative family!

    1. It's easier to just dump the whole puzzle out. There are a few that were cut on a slight angle and it's easier to connect them from a certain side. But it's got easier to put together back in the case the more we've played with it. My four year old can do it by himself.

  8. That is really cool! Looks like it would take a lot of patience to cut each piece just so. =)

  9. That is amazing! What a talented family you come from!!

  10. your mom is incredible (I know I say that all the time!) When did she start working with wood? I remember reading somewhere that if you can run a sewing machine, you can use a jigsaw. I'd love to make some wood toys, but I'm still a 'fraidy-cat.

    1. She did a lot of wood working, mainly small crafty stuff growing up. Then she really didn't do much when we were teenagers and recently has got back into it kind of as I have as well. Last year I got a table saw for Christmas and she got one for her birthday, so it's been fun to learn new stuff together kind of. I think power tools in general are intimidating. I got into wood stuff starting with my husband and didn't even know how to operate a drill, then slowly got more confidence and have to do it pretty much all alone now due to his work schedule. So I'd say start with a drill, less dangerous than saws!

  11. So incredible! How neat for your family.

  12. well, i guess it is in the genes,huh???This one makes me a bit envious since just as i was starting to think I might turn out some better looking pieces on my scroll saw, i experienced a thyroid storm and the ensuing challenges with my eyes. This makes me want to figure out how to install some magnifying apparatus worked out to be able to try tis again. Never be this fantastic though. WOW!!! you and your family just never fail to amaze.
    Happy New Year

  13. How cool is that! Love the things your momma has made! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  14. Totally. Awesome. Your mom rocks.

  15. This is awesome! Love it that your mom made it. Amazingly porfessional. We want one!! :)

  16. WOW! This is incredible! Grandma rocks!


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