Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby Bedtime Bags


My husband and I stink at swaddling.
Our first baby was 9.5 lb and slept pretty well from the beginning.
Then baby #2 came along.
She would get an arm out and start crying, and we tried dozens of different blankets and ways to wrap or swaddle, 
but she still woke up a lot with her little arms out.  
So this time, I wanted some jammies to keep baby #3 warm in these winter nights
 and help her stay asleep with her arms and legs in a sack or bag.
As I got sketching, I realized I might as well make the sack open on the top and bottom to make it easier to get on and off, 
and make middle of the night diaper changes more accessible.
So I went with snaps on top to allow the big newborn noggin through.
Then I decided the best bottom would be a zipper, rather than snaps.
One quick zip in the dark to shut up the bottom so I can go back to sleep!

These were also great for up-cycling.
Being that Izzie was born in the depth of winter,
I used fleece from the long sleeves of a pullover for the white bag.  
The other two were knit yardage.

The opening at the shoulder is off center so Izzie wouldn't have snaps right under her chin.
It makes it easy to get her in and out of the bag, 
but I've found it's nice to take her arms completely out of the sack when I nurse during the night.  
She gets to stretch her arms and it helps keep her awake to eat.
(We do have her wear a onesie so her arms aren't stuck on her bare skin all night)

My favorite aspect is probably the zipper on the bottom!
My sleep sacks I made for the last baby work well to change diapers,
but lots of times her little feet poked out and I needed to worry about socks.
With this bag the feet are stuck in the jammies,
but getting in there to change all the diapers in the night is so quick and easy!  
Much better than trying to snap a row of snaps half awake!

I ended up using the first three so much I needed another batch.
I was using the fleece from another sweater's sleeves and didn't have enough fabric
for the separate shoulder piece and just did a regular placket with contrasting quilting cotton.
Having used both this past week I think I kind of prefer the contrasting placket over the knit seamed original version.  
Getting the snaps through all the knit or fleece layers was a pain!

So far she does sleep better for me in these bedtime bags rather than regular jammies and that has made them awesome for me!


  1. OMG you are a genius! I love this! It *almost* makes me want another baby, she looks sooo cozy :-)

    1. Well, maybe it would be good as gifts, you get to sew something small but don't have to have the baby!

  2. Tutorial and pattern pieces...please :)

  3. This is totally genius! both my babies had to be swaddled for a long time and I wasn't ever very good at using a blanket either. We had a lot of swaddle-me's. I'm pinning this in case one more baby ever comes our way! :)

  4. Awesome! That thing would've been sooo useful for Nikki, because she was colicky and wanted to be swaddled ALL THE TIME. Part of your swaddling problem might be the blankets, though. Commercial blankets are never big enough, and if you're lucky enough to find a huge one, they're horrendously expensive. I've found that a yard to a yard and a half of double napped flannel with a rolled hem makes an excellent receiving blanket!

    1. It very well might have been the blankets. We tried tons, and I even made a few to try to figure it out. That's when I figured it might be us, or Ellie was just good at getting out!

  5. These are adorable. I used sleep sacks with my daughter and absolutely LOVED them, but, they were either opened at the bottom, or zipped all the way up to the neck. Both of which are sort of annoying. These look amazing. We never swaddled tho. She couldn't stand it, as soon as she was all wrapped up, she'd cry until she got a few limbs out and then was fine.

    1. That's kind of how it went with the pink one, it didn't have enough stretch and so I made one a little bigger and she seems to stay snug but still be able to move her arms around in there.

  6. Wow, super cute + solving a real problem = brilliant!

  7. Hehehe so cute! She is such a little bug!

  8. I've seen those Wombies that are like this, but yours is even better designed. Love the zipper at the bottom! So smart. Awesome work! You rock!


  9. This is so perfect, I have a baby shower coming up! However, I am not a mom...about what size did you make this for a newborn?

  10. Oh my heavens...precious, precious, precious! We're having a baby girl in May so it's fun to adore pictures of yours. :) Genius and cozy invention!

    1. That is so exciting Kristin! Congratulations! Girls are fun, definitely more to choose from with clothes and things I hope these last months of your pregnancy go well! May seems like a good time of year. January has been too cold here and in the middle of flu/ RSV season.

  11. You have the best ideas! These are awesome!

  12. These are amazing! Love the zipper at the bottom for easy diaper-change, that's so ingenious!

  13. Those look so cool. And such a great idea. This is a great shower gift. Note to self. :)
    I never swaddled, as I just couldn't get it right. Thankfully my kids never complained.

    1. I thought they'd be a good gift too, quick to sew and don't take a ton of fabric.

  14. Cute! The zipper at the bottom is my favorite part. =)

  15. Replies
    1. Hadn't thought about it, so not currently!

    2. They are genius! I just simply do not have the time or know how to make.

  16. Replies
    1. Not right now, but it seems like there's enough interest I'll put something together!

    2. Please, oh please, oh please! Expecting twin girls in May, need all the help I can get!!! :)

    3. I would love a tutorial too!r at least a template to see the size, I'm 36 weeks with my first so I have no idea what size to make things :)

    4. I'm with Lindsey...I need a size idea. I have no babies and don't know how big/small to make them?!?

    5. I'd love a tutorial, too! These are great!

  17. These would have been good for my micropreemie. She's almost 13 now and still wraps herself up in a coccoon! She has a favorite knit "blanket" (just yardage) that stretches "just right".

    I think these are a wonderful sensory integration item!

  18. Oh my goodness - she is the cutest ever!!! Congratulations again Jess - these photos are absolutely priceless!!!

  19. Do you have a tutorial and pattern for these?

    1. hoping to work on pattern this afternoon during naps and hopefully get it posted this week!

  20. Oh, great! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world, Jess. You have the best ideas, and true artistic flair. I love your projects!

  21. This is such a clever design, not to mention super cute! I'd also love a tutorial, I could probably waddle my way through working out a way to copy your design, but I am sure your technique will be quicker and give better results :-)

    What tool do you use for your snaps? I have snap pliers from Kamsnaps that are alright, but not fantastic. I find the snaps pop off, especially for bulkier fabric which freaks me out for baby clothes. Maybe I need to upgrade... or just press harder on the pliers (!).

    Thanks for sharing!!

  22. This is a fantastic idea!

  23. Working on pattern tonight (tues) and decided to add a preemie and older baby size. Hope to have it available this week.

    1. So excited and looking forward to it. I finally got a sewing machine from my mother and antsy to try a few projects. Unfortinately my lil one is 9 months now and is not crazy about sacks but luckily i have two nephews coming in the spring and these would b great gifts

  24. I made a faux "woombie" a few weeks back, but didn't do a two way zipper, so I'll probably only use it during the day. She was just born last night, so I haven't had a chance to try it on her yet. I can't wait for your pattern! I think yours is so much more convenient!

  25. These are really handy! Thanks for sharing!!!

    I always used to use these bags for my children, but they are able to roll all over the bed anyway during the sleep :) I even don't want to imagine, what would be without the bag... :D

    And, by the way, your baby is so adorable...

  26. These are really great but I just wanted to remind you that you need to consider the right kind of fabrics to use, as babies being too warm is a risk factor for FSID. I know that you would be doing a service to others to show them how to make their own bedtime bags, please make sure they have the relevant information available to them

  27. Izzie is so cute! Love her hair! These would have been a lifesaver with my first. We could never figure out how to do a secure swaddle either. #2 is due in a few months, so I'll have to make up some of these.

  28. My preemie loves to be swaddled. Now that he is a little bit bigger he is able to get his arms out while sleeping and then he wakes up. The other night he had the Swaddle Me blanket center velcro piece up over his face. I freaked! I would love to make these for him. Is there a pattern on it's way? He's now the size of a "normal" newborn (at 2 months of age). He's 8 pounds 21 inches.


    1. The pattern is coming along and it does include preemie sizing!

  29. These look great would love to make one for my little girl, how is the pattern coming along?

  30. Does the pattern have good instructions/ tutorial? I have never sewn a zipper or placket like that. Also do you have bigger sizes? My ds is 4 months now and is still addicted to swaddling. Looking for something to help him sleep better


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