Monday, January 14, 2013

She's Here! Baby #3 born

I had planned to post the final segment on the dollhouse, but ended up going into labor last Tuesday!
I was shocked, as it was 2.5 weeks early and I've never gone into labor spontaneously.
At 4pm I started having contractions and thought "Crap!  I'm not ready for this!"  
As much as I was thrilled to no longer be pregnant, I still had a whole list of things I wanted, or felt like I needed to do before she came.

But she was ready so she came!

We got to the hospital at 9pm after my husband got home from work and arranging for our other kids.
She was born at 11:30 pm, so a pretty quick, routine delivery overall.
I did hyperventilate during transition--which was weird.  I was sitting on a birthing ball and had a monster contraction that lasted forever, and I guess my breathing  got too shallow and fast because all the sudden my arms and hands went numb, followed by my face.  Then they started yelling at me to breathe slower and that helped.  Luckily my husband was behind me and I didn't fall backwards off that birthing ball or something.  I guess whatever happens during birth, I don't want to become a funny story that lingers around LandD nurses for years to come!  So that turned out OK once I decided breathing should be a top priority.

After the monster contraction, transition was actually over and I crawled back into the bed and rolled on my back, as my water exploded all over the bed, splashing onto the doctor and the floor, kind of reminding me of this scene from Coneheads,  Luckily for the doctor, she'd already put on the gown when it erupted.
Then little Isabella was here in 2 contractions and our family went from four to five.

Here's the token "swamp hag" picture.
My friend said once she feels like such a swamp hag right after birth and I thought it was an accurate description of how I feel physically.
Some women look beautiful with right after the birth, but I never have styled hair or makeup. 
 I always I just had a baby a few minutes ago, sweaty, worn out, but full of joy.   
Despite not being a glamour shot, it's one of favorite pictures from having a newborn.
For me, it captures one of the best moments of my life to really hold my baby for the first time.
There's a side of so much relief, physical and emotional that she's here and safe and healthy, then just the overwhelming love of seeing your baby and looking in their squinty little eyes for the first time.
All the months of barfing, exhaustion, discomfort, physical deformity, and pain all become worth it in one moment.
The kids have adjusted well.
We were most concerned with Ellie, but she's been either loving or indifferent, so it's been good.
RJ's pretty excited to have another baby sister, but still mentions the "next baby is going to be a brother".
Mom's not even thinking about a next baby to further that conversation.

Here's the two sisters:

So little Isabella's almost a week old now and we're doing great.
My mom came up the day after she was born and takes care of pretty much everything.

I've recovered physically so much faster this time around.
I usually don't get out of pajamas for weeks, but on Sunday I actually got dressed and did my hair.
So we are doing great and have had such a happy week welcoming Isabella into our family.
We're looking forward to her due date next week because my husband only got the one day off to get me home from the hospital, and had to go right back to work.
He has an entire week off after the due date, which we're all excited for, and another reason my mom saves the day again!
I do have some baby projects I started before she was born and will hopefully finish to post soon...or whenever it feels more interesting than cute little baby hands and feet!

We tried really hard to get a picture of me with all the kids, but this was probably the best in all honesty.
I can't believe I have three kids!
I've just felt so happy and grateful these this last week for the blessing of three healthy kids, and an amazing mom and husband.
We've just been living in this happy bubble of the new baby and family this last week and I hope it continues to last...although I haven't had to take them all with me to a grocery store alone yet.
And I still haven't figured out how to manage three kids alone at church when my husband has to work weekends...but I have a little time to figure out that one.


  1. Congratulations on the beautiful addition to your beautiful family!

    I usually do not leave comments, but I had to disagree with the statement that you do not look good in your "Mommy and Brand New Baby" picture. Before I read your comment, I was thinking how beautiful that picture was. I love what it conveys. All the usual, accepted, outward standards of what is important, what is beautiful, etc., are stripped away and what is left is what is truly important and beautiful: the love and bond of the mother and her newborn.

    There is nothing that detracts from that genuine-ness and truth.

  2. congratulations on your new baby girl. she looks adorable!!!

  3. CONGRATS JESSICA! I loved reading this, your pictures are just so precious. And she's beautiful. Love that hair!!

    1. Thanks! The hair was such a big surprise. Our other kids had some, but not that much fluff!

  4. I agree with Inca - I think you look beautiful in that picture and the others!! Congratulations, Jess!!! I'm so happy for your family! Soak it up! She is gorgeous - fits right in with her big brother and sister!

  5. I don't usually comment either but I must agree! it's a beautiful shot and that hair!! The baby has a gorgeous head of hair! Love it!

  6. Wow, talk about being unprepared! :-) I'm glad all went well and you remembered to breathe. ;-) Isabella is absolutely beautiful!

  7. oh my gosh, she is so beautiful!!!! God bless you all

  8. Congratulations:) Such a beautiful family ! Love all Isabella's hair:):)

  9. You look gorgeous in those pictures. I know what you mean about feeling like a 'swamp hag' though! I always had pre-eclampsia so I looked like the stay puffed marshmallow man!

    She is absolutely beautiful, congratulations! Squeeze those newborn cheeks for me!

    1. I've never had pre-eclamsia, but it sounds rough! Loved your analogy of the stay puff man!

  10. Our family has an Ellie and Issy too! except ours are cousins. Such beautiful girls you have!!

  11. Big congrats on the beautiful baby girl. Seriously you look totally beautiful in the 'swamp hag' picture. Personally I find it ridiculous putting make up on for a photo right after giving birth but maybe that is just me?

  12. OMIGOSH! Congratulations!! She is soooo beautiful, I love her name, and her little mop of fuzzy hair is just fantastic. Em was hairy like that and I just loved it. You look gorgeous, the prettiest 'swamp hag' I've ever seen in my life. Congrats to the whole family, and what a fun birth story too! Take care, you five!

  13. Congratulations! What a beautiful the hair...and beautiful other children! I agree, the after pic and all the others are so good. Nothing is as beautiful as a new mom and child. Today is my youngest daughters birthday, she is 32 and has 2 sisters. I have thought of our visit to the hospital so long ago, only doesn't seem so long ago. Enjoy them as they grow quick you have surely found. I have relived my girls growing up thru my (6) grand daughters! Children are the best!

  14. Congratulations! You really don't look like a swamp hag in that picture, the smile just says it all!

  15. oh wow, I just LOVE her hair!! such a cutie!

  16. Congratulations! She's beautiful and I love her hair!

  17. congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous baby girl!
    I am jealous of all of her hair!! Ive never had a baby with so much hair .. my 7 were near bald!!
    May she bring lots of peace, love, joy & happiness to the family.

  18. Congratulations, she is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen (next to my own granddaughter who had just about as much hair). You have a beautiful family, glad all went well for you.

  19. congratulations!! what a sweetie. all of her hair! my second was born with such an amazing head of hair like that. enjoy settling in with your new little one!

  20. Enhorabuena por esa preciosidad de niña. Y yo te veo muy guapa justo después del parto.

  21. Congrats!!!! You're such a sweet family!! Greetings from Chile.

  22. She is so precious! Congratulations! My first born had a head of hair just like Isabella, it was my favorite thing about my girl! ...until it started falling out:) Wishing you all the best and many blessings!

  23. She is GORGEOUS! Congrats!
    I always thought the reason women look so beautiful right after having a child is because of the joy. There are few things in life that eclipse the moment of meeting your child for the first time. You look lovely and so happy. :o)

  24. She's beautiful (as are your other two) ~ congratulations!

  25. Congratulations! She is beautiful!
    As for church, we have an awesome family by us that will just come and help. Hopefully there are some "grandmas" or awesome teenagers that will help you out.

  26. Congratulations! Glad you're all adjusting well.

  27. Such a cutie!! Congratulations to all of you!

  28. She is beautiful! I love her hair! You look great...I hope the adjustment continues to go well! As for church, my husband is in our bishopric and we had our 5th baby two months ago...we have a young woman in our ward sit with us to help:)

  29. Congrats, she is as beautiful as your other two children. Wonderful pictures

  30. the picture with you and all the kids is the best one that could have been's everybody as they are, themselves, their emotions and a very happy mommy. I would have this picture framed and look at it every day!

    1. oh thanks lynn, I was laughing that even the baby had her mouth wide open!

  31. YAY! Congrats! She is adorable and I'm dying over all that hair! Ha! Beautiful pictures, too. Glad it all went so well.


  32. Love all that dark beautiful hair. She is beautiful! Hope your recovery continues to go amazing.

  33. She is so beautiful! Congratulations to the whole family!

  34. Oh goodness she is just such a doll, I could just eat her up! The picture of your two girls, squeal! Adorable! We have the opposite set of kids, two girls and the baby boy. :) Three is exciting! And a bit nervewracking, the intro to parenting Level MoreKidsThanHands ;)

    1. That's what I keep thinking, only two hands but three kids! I guess tons of people do it though!

  35. Congratulations!! I am only 3 weeks behind you and have been anxiously awaiting #2's arrival. I can only hope to look as great as you do after giving birth! And all that hair....LOVE IT!

  36. Best wishes and congratulations! She is beautiful. Enjoy all the help and get all the rest you can. :)

    1. Thanks Chris, I do get tons of help which is so nice! My kids will be sad when Grandma is gone and it's just lame me again. :)

  37. She is so beautiful Jess! Got to love all of that hair

  38. Congratulations on your precious little girl. Love that hair! She is as adorable as your other two! Your picture is so beautiful with your baby not a swamp hag at all!

  39. Congratulations! She is beautiful! I am so happy for you. the pictures are splendid and the picture with you and all three children is priceless. Enjoy....

  40. Congratulations! You and she both look beautiful- in ALL the pictures!

  41. Congrats! Tell your mom hi for me! It would be so fun to get together and remember days gone by, being a mom, and sewing! Jshippen

  42. CONGRATULATIONS REMARKABLE BEAUTIFUL. Do you do everything perfectly?? I was concerned when it was a little while since an email posting and hoped that it was this sort of GOOD NEWS. Well, we know that with your heart right for having your little ones in church you will get the help.
    Again congratulations and THANK YOU>

  43. Congrattulations! Wonderful pictures and she is so pretty. I just love the picture of you with the girls. Just so wonderful. So glad to hear you be having a baby boy next. LOL

    1. thanks, I was also glad for the information on the brother so ahead of schedule. :)

  44. you are not a swamp hag. you look great. and as for the new babaloo.... I LOVE FUZZ HEADS!! she's a cutie. I'm due 14 Feb, but today i went and got checked, and I'm a centimeter dilated and 70% effaced!!! I KNOW!! i'm supposed to have 4 more weeks, but... we'll see. I love your pix and your kids are all cuties. way to go momma.

    1. woohoo! Hoping for some relief early! We are loving the fuzz head too!

  45. WOW! I smiled from one end of your post to the other.
    CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful. I LOVE that hair!
    Enjoy your incredible family.
    You did great!

  46. Congrats on your beautiful baby! she looks a lot like Ellie, doesnt she. You look fabulous, even in the 'i just had a baby' photo! With much love from Sunny South Africa

  47. Congrats Jess! She is beautiful, and your family is just perfect. So happy for you!!

  48. Congratulations. She's beautiful. (Of course so are the other two, and mom too.) Enjoy - the time goes so fast.

  49. Oh my god - she is the cutest baby I've _ever_ seen! <3

  50. GratulujÄ™ serdecznie :) Pozdrawiamy z Polski :)

  51. Ohhh, congratulations!! Those pictures are just beautiful!

  52. Congratulations! Church? No problem. I always dressed my littles in their church clothes the night before. Ha! Desperate measures are called for sometimes.

  53. Congrats!!! She is such a little cutie and I love her full head of hair!! I also wanted to tell you that you look great in your "I just gave birth" photo, there is so much love and joy in your eyes.

  54. Awww! Congrats! That little cutie has such pretty eyes!

  55. She is so beautiful! Congratulations! Not only do you have three kids, but you have adorable kids!

  56. What a gorgeous baby! May the "happy bubble" go on and on and on.

  57. Congratulations!!!! She is just gorgeous! And I love her name!!! Aww, so happy for you!

  58. Congrats with your beautiful baby girl!

  59. Lol, I always feel like a swamp hag right after having a baby too... but you don't look like one, you look beautiful! I love all the photos, little Isabella is perfectly scrunchy and huggable. And I love her little shock of hair. Congratulations! =)

  60. Super big congratulations to you and your lovely family!

  61. Congratulations!! She is beautiful and you are soooo NOT a swamp hag - I love your early pics!
    Oh, enjoy her - I enjoyed baby number three the best of all - and make sure you make the most of having your mum around and then your husband and put your feet up from time to time ;)
    I'm glad you had such a straightforward birth, it makes for such a good start doesn't it.
    Best wishes and lots of love, Libby X

  62. Your beautiful news reminds me how awesome family love is. Thank-you for taking the time to share and with pictures. Healthy children is gifted blessing.

  63. I have been thinking about you and glad all went well! You look so cute and not at all like a swamp thing!

  64. The pictures are lovely. I am so honored and proud to know you. Seriously.

  65. What a doll! Perfect addition to your beautiful family. Love and congratulations.

  66. Congratulations! She is so precious! I cannot believe how much hair she has! None of my kids had that much hair until they were one years old, at least!

  67. Congratulations! That sister picture is so adorable! :)

  68. Oh she is so so so precious! I love her birth story and am so happy for you guys. I would love to watch your kids for you sometime so you can get a nap or whatever. And, you look amazing! Congrats!!!!

  69. Congrats! You look amazing and gorgeous and shes so cute!

  70. Congrats! You look amazing and gorgeous and shes so cute!

  71. congratulations! You are absolutely glowing in every single picture!

  72. There is NOTHING more beautiful than the joy on a woman's face right after giving my opinion, it transcends all other conventional ideas about beauty:) You are gorgeous!

  73. Congrats Jessica! She is beautiful! All of your kids look so much alike. You are such a great mom!

  74. Many congratulations, Jessica! She is beautiful, you are beautiful, your family is happy for you!

  75. Aw! So cute - love the picture with RJ and Izzie, she seems quite happy and content to be with her big brother, and two sisters together? Adorable!

  76. congrats! i love your first pic with your baby, the joy, not the "hope my hair looks cute" like some women i totally envy! :) love how well your moment was captured. take a big break and enjoy your gorgeous new baby.

  77. Congratulations! I totally get the Oh crap moment. My newest little one was born 3 1/2 weeks early. Nice to be done with the pregnancy, but so not ready yet. You all look so beautiful and happy.

  78. wow! congratulations! you look utterly joyful and gorgeous in the shot after the delivery. seriously, I look like a MESS after delivering (But being in labor for 24 hours, followed by an hour of pushing will probably do that to anyone?....) but you look like you're completely alive. And my goodness, you look great for just having had your third child. I'm looking at the state of my midsection at 16 weeks with my third, and wondering what horrors are going to await me when this pregnancy is all over. Lol. Somehow my first left me looking awesome afterwards, and the second blew my stomach muscles all apart and they never went back together. Every pregnancy is different just like the kids I suppose!


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