Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blessing Dress for Izzie

Isabella was blessed in our church recently.
I'm feeling the difference for the third child and second girl.
I had a quilt and blessing/ christening dress already made before I had Ellie.
But this time around I started and finished Isabella's dress the 2 days before the big day.

 But making it last minute means I get to post photos of her wearing it!

This was my favorite of Isabella, kind of a pirate smile: 

I had a meeting before church so my husband had to get all three kids ready, and not only did they all look pretty good, he was there 10 minutes early.
I kind of hate when he's a better mom than me!

I used eyelet again, as I did with Ellie's.
But this was more of an embroidery than the regular eyelet with holes in it.
The base fabric was actually a men's dress shirt from dad I upcycled.
Lots of times I've seen where they'll use fabric or the mother's wedding gown to make the baby's dress, but this girl's getting her dress from dad!

The embroidery was designed in circles, so I took the opportunity to hem the dress in scallops.
The bodice is in the embroidery as well with little tulip sleeves.
I should have encased the zipper between the lining and embroidery but was in a hurry and sewing lazy and a little sloppy, so excuse that crappy zipper top!
I figured Izzie wouldn't know or care.

I can't believe she's already 4 months old.
Time seems to fly faster and faster with each baby.
She's been such a good baby and we're hoping the peacemaker to our family.
Every family needs a peacemaker, and I'm feeling we could really use one in the third child!


  1. What a beautiful dress! Im sitting down to make my daughter's blessing dress tonight since shes due next month! But I so envy your talent! ;)

    1. That is impressive you're sewing so far along! With this pregnancy I kind of just became a beached whale the last weeks. Good luck and hope your delivery goes well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The dress is beautiful but Isabella takes the cake. She's gorgeous! Congratulations!

  4. Aw, her dress is so adorable! She looks precious! Well done! -♥- Rachel (For the Birds)

  5. She is so cute! Time definitely moves faster with each baby. They're like little warps.

    1. That's how I'm feeling! Maybe at a certain threshold it slows down again.

  6. She is so beautiful. And you did an amazing job on her dress~

  7. What a beautiful blessing dress! I love her hair bow too. Did you also make that?

  8. she's gorgeous, and that hair! wow. Love the beautiful dress!

  9. Aw such a sweet dress and Izzie is so adorable too! She looks like she's a fun little one. :)

  10. That dress is so pretty! I love that you upcycled even for a fancy blessing dress. Very Smart! I love the scallops and her little pirate smile is adorable!

  11. The dress is beautiful and so is she. Gorgeous little girl...beautiful eyes!!! And a super talented mama too!

  12. Adorable!
    I am one of those people who used wedding dress fabric. I made my dress, and bought extra so I could make my kids something special.

  13. This is darling! I love the scallops and the tulip sleeves.

  14. oh my loving everything about this including the hair band. The fact that it is from Daddy's shirt makes it too precious. What a Mommy you are.

  15. She is GORGEOUS and the dress is incredible. Can you elaborate on hemming with the scallops? That sounds tricky. Did you just clip the curves and iron carefully? I'm trying to figure it out from staring at the pictures but nope... I get distracted by that adorable baby.

    1. I'm sure there's different ways to do it, but I had to line the skirt because the dress shirt fabric was so thin, so I just took the lining and put it on the right side of the eyelet and sewed around the scoops. Then clipped and trimmed, folding the lining under and back to make the scallop edge with no raw edges. It's also nice because you don't have to top-stitch the hem at all. To help make even scallops, I cut a half circle template from a cereal box and shoved it between the two layers when I ironed it to press out the seams to make the curves as even as my sewing would allow them to be. It may not stay crisp when washed, but I thought this dress won't get worn much so I was willing to invest in the detail.

    2. Right, that makes sense... thanks for explaining! Good idea on the cereal template. :)

  16. AND ps, LOVE that you used some fabric from her dad's wardrobe. That is unique and special!

  17. Isn't she just a doll? I love her pirate smile :)
    The dress is adorable - it's cool that it's got a bit of her daddy in it I think.
    Isn't it funny how things change with number three? Very normal though!

    1. #3 misses more than I wanted, so far she has less video and pictures, trying to take more but the days seem so crazy and then everyone's asleep!

  18. She is sooooo cute and great job on the dress!!

  19. I like your use of fabulous material from a source already in your home. I have begun constructing home decor from other fabrics in my closets and thrift store finds. There is a lot of love in that garment and it will be expressed every time she looks at it for a lifetime.


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