Saturday, December 21, 2013

Leather Suspenders for Women

So this post is about making my own leather suspenders.
Which I think is something women will hate or embrace.
There's no in between with suspenders, so if you hate them, that is fine...but...
I have always loved suspenders on anyone, boys, women, and men.  
Unfortunately my husband would and never will wear them...suspenders or sweater vests.
What's the deal Rhett, I thought I married a geek?
But my son had no choice:

I always liked them for women as well...but there's one, I guess two problems with women and suspenders--boobs.
So here's my suspenders back story:
At the same sleepover where Lynette and I decided to team up and blog together, we were also lamenting all the physical side effects of pregnancy and nursing.  Both our babies are about a year old, and things we thought would go back to "normal" haven't.
I was complaining about my chest.  When I got married I was a 34D and wore minimizer and reducer bras.
Each pregnancy deflated my chest a little more, but this third one was more extreme.
Now there is more foam in my bra than me.
So Lynette kind of initiated the idea maybe we should just embrace the new us and find things to be excited about our new mom bodies.
So it inspired me to think of clothes and styles I could never wear with a D cup, 
but now a flat chest could.
My first step in the "love my new flat chest movement"  are these suspenders.

Here's the sweet baby that somehow made my chest disappear!

I had looked for leather belts to try to upcycle for months but gave up and got the good stuff from Leather Hide Store.  I'm glad I got real leather, I think they look better than a chopped up belt would have.

These suspenders aren't adjustable, so they're easy to make.
1. I bought the rounded clips on amazon.
2. I wanted narrower suspenders to feel more feminine, and cut these 3/4" wide.
4. To sew the leather to the suspender clips, my machine had trouble with the height of the clips and the thick leather, so I folded the ends and sewed across twice, basically punching holes in the leather.  I went back and hand sewed the leather around the clips.
5. I was able to machine sew the two ends behind my back to a short length of black 3/4" elastic.
The elastic allows some room for adjusting.  
6. I cut a triangle of leather, finished the raw edges, and top-stitched it on top of the junction at the back.

So now to wear them.
Once again, I think you have to be pretty flat chested for it to work.
SO SAD... cause I kind of love them!emma watson

There seems to be a narrow area where they work on a woman's chest.
If they are clipped too close to the center, they have to go around the chest, or right on top of the largest part.
I found if I clipped them where the coin pocket starts on my jeans, they stay vertical but are wide enough not to have to curve around the chest.
I also made the junction lower in the back, right  between my waist and shoulder blades so it helps them sit wider from the get go.  Joining the three pieces lower prevents them from pulling closer to my neck on the shoulders.

So not a look for everyone, but I am excited.
Not sure if I can pull it off, but no one sees me except my family and the cashier at the grocery store.
So I'm wearing these suspenders the same way Morrie danced, with my eyes half shut as if no one else is around and loving every minute.
Morrie Schwarz dancing

the camera was on a tripod with a remote and my kids were just pushing the button, I had accidentally left it on and they caught this shot.  I kind of loved it when I saw it among a ton of other crazy pictures of my room.
Being a mom has a lot of sacrifice and I think as a woman it's natural to kind of mourn for the younger physical self that may never be you again.
To recognize this scarred, saggy body as the new you, although it can seem so foreign in the mirror.
But in the end, these kids are worth it!
So on to more flat chested sewing!!!! 


  1. Just yesterday, I was thinking I need suspenders. The maternity jeans and slacks just won't stay up! And, I hope, like you, I can treasure my new body after the baby comes. I'm really enjoying seeing this transformation of my belly. :D

    1. It does get hard toward the end to keep any pants up!! Hope you're feeling OK! Oh I hope to some day treasure it, right now I"m still trying to accept and appreciate the changes!! Congrats on your pregnancy!

    2. Thank you! I'm doing okay, just lots of back pain which I think is pretty much par for the course. :)

  2. well you're adorable no matter what trend you're sporting! i think the suspenders are cute. i'm with you on trying to embrace the mommy body. i breastfed four kiddos and there isn't much left!

    1. Thanks Lisa, I always wonder if it's just the nursing, or any pregnancy does crazy things to your chest...I guess age is a factor as well.

  3. I've always been flat chested and only had a glimpse of feeling busty for once in my life when my son was a newborn and I was breast feeding (it was AWESOME!) Just the other day in the shower I thought, "I can't wait for flat chested-ness to be 'in style'". It'll happen. It has to. And here you are starting the revolution, making it cool ;) We can do this! Flat chesters unite!

  4. I married a geek, and he won't wear suspenders or sweater vests either ;-). Suspenders aren't my thing, but you look darling!

  5. I so loved this whole post. You're the best! Always bringing it with a voice of reality. My poor deflated boobs and three child mom body appreciates you. I also think suspenders are awesome.

  6. You are beautiful and totally rock those suspenders!
    My kids made my boob size actually go up (Uh, and DOWN- gah like down to my belly button. So not funny.). No suspenders for this busty gal.
    I love that look though. Very Annie Hall.

  7. oh I always get such a wonderful boost reading your blog. thank you so much for your frankness and humor that is injected into the information you bring us.Merry Christmas

  8. you look fantastic, and this post cracked me up. i didn't start with much but after each kid is done nursing, the chest seems to deflate a bit more. ah well. for me a good bra just becomes more and more important to put them where they're supposed to be!!

  9. can I just say: thank you! thank you for being honest and so positive! I had a Baby 16 months ago and all i hear is that women should "get their old body back" ha! i've been trying to, but, you know how that goes. anyway, thank you for sharing this! it definitely helps to have a more positive picture about myself! <3 <3 <3 (btw. i'm a new reader. what a good post to start with!)

    1. oh, and those suspenders ROCK! you wear them well. after a few more kids i'll make them :)

  10. at least your beads hang straight ;)
    with love,
    (Scary's big sister)

    1. That is true, if it were the 1920s I'd be rocking the flapper styles!

  11. Nobody told me about the deflating chest, trying hard to get used to it here too. My sister-in-law, who was busty to begin with, ended up with a larger size after kids. She didn't nurse so maybe that's the difference.

  12. You should wear these more often. I love seeing Women in Braces/Suspenders


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