Thursday, January 23, 2014

Enzo Mari Pesci Puzzle Knock-Off: Mom Feature

You may remember the awesome animal puzzle my mom made for all her grandkids last Christmas.
This year she did it again, with the 2nd edition.
The puzzle designer is Enzo Mari, a famous Italian furniture designer.
This particular puzzle is his Pesci Animal Puzzle.
You can purchase an official Enzo Mari puzzle here.
My mom hacked out her own knock-off version for our family with her mad scroll-saw skills and we love it!

My mom made three of these puzzles!
I think I was more excited than my kids.
The pieces fit in the puzzle frame, and my mom burned the outline in the bottom so we can figure out how to put it together.

My dad's favorite is the chubby piranha.

Our favorite is the octopus.
We pretend the missing 2 legs are behind him out of sight. 

The pieces are 2" thick and stack really well.
This puzzle design is easier to stack, as you have the huge fat whale as the base. 

These are really cool toys that kids and adults enjoy.
They live permanently on our coffee table. 

On another note, we are sending out our first newsletter coming up, and it's going to be awesome if you want to check it out!
The newsletter is content we never blog about, so it's not an ad or blog's just fun stuff going on, what we're doing and what we're eating.
We think it's worth getting one more email in your inbox!
Actually, I'm pretty sure if you use gmail it will show up in your promotions box.
You will get an email that you respond to that verifies you actually want our newsletter.


  1. That puzzle is awesome! And your mom really is the master of the scroll-saw!

  2. This is amazing. I wish I had scroll saw skills or $560.

    1. me too! That's wild the real ones are so expensive isn't it!!

  3. Yup! Makes perfect sense that your Mom is so talented too!
    The apples don't fall far.
    Those puzzles are amazing!
    Brava, Mama!

  4. well Felafel and the Bee said it best.

  5. That is amazing! I need some scroll saw skills!

  6. Goodness wow! I've used a scroll saw, but things never turned out that nice! :D What wonderful gifts to make and receive!

    1. Wow I'm impressed! I haven't yet ventured into scroll saw land!


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