Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Winter Skirt

This is the first piece of clothing I've made for myself since our boy was born, and he is a year old now. Why did I wait so long you ask? Well, there are a lot of reasons, but mostly I was hoping that my body would just go back to the way it was (because so many people told me it would). Anyway, for the past six months I've struggled to make a decision: should I work out like mad to fit in to my pre-baby clothes or should I just be grateful for a strong healthy body, get happy and move on? The whole dilemma has caused me some mental conflict, but I have finally made a choice. I'm just going to continue going for walks, getting fresh air, going to bed on time, cooking delicious dinners, and I'm going make a gorgeous new wardrobe!

So here is my New-Year-New-Attitude winter skirt! It's a full length wool skirt with pockets. It is so warm and comfortable and it's fully lined with party fabric!


  1. The day I donated one of my favorite dresses because I knew it would never fit again in the waist was a sad one. I keep a beaded dress that I sewed for my brother's wedding in the back of my closet as a maybe-one-day. Three more kids later, and I'm sure it's never gonna happen! Your new skirt is beautiful!

  2. Lovely skirt, Lynette! Cute pockets, and the lining is fantastic! Seeing as my ribcage has already expanded by 2" since the start of my pregnancy... I have a feeling I may be in the same boat as you. I think you look radiant as ever, and hope the new year brings you joy!

    1. You are very nice. I hope your pregnancy is going smoothly!

  3. And it looks great! Thanks for saying what I have been thinking. I've been hoarding fabric waiting for some day… :~) I love that Lynette has joined Jessica. I have read the blog for awhile and am so impressed with the projects you tackle. Thank you!

  4. I'm in the same dilemma as you and my baby's two now. :). I'm thinking along the same lines as you put my sewing skills to good use to make a wardrobe for myself that fits and flatters. Your skirt looks fantastic!

  5. Ps. do you sew from commercial patterns or draft your own? If you are making your own patterns, I wondered if you might share more of the process? It's so interesting!

    1. This skirt was an adaption from a vintage pattern. I usually draft my own patterns because when I use a commercial pattern I have to make major adjustments to it because I have extra long legs and an annoying 34 H bra size. Either way, I would love to share more about pattern making!

  6. The skirt is so pretty and looks very warm for winter!

  7. Please do share your knowledge of pattern making with us! I would love to learn of pattern drafting... :)

  8. I worked for a year trying to slim down before drafting patterns for myself, but I ended up getting pregnant again! So after that baby was born I decided to just go for it and make clothes that fit me. If I do get smaller, yay me, I get to sew a new wardrobe. If not, yay me, I have clothes that fit. =)
    I love a simple full-length skirt... well done! =)

  9. Good for you! Love who you are because I see a whole lotta fabulous!
    That skirt looks so nice and warm too.
    Good job.

  10. I've been out of the blogging world for a bit with my big move. So fun to see you two have teamed up! Can't wait to see what else you guys have in store! xoxo

  11. You look great! A body that has made a baby may not look like it did before but that's more than OK. Be grateful for that strong, healthy body that made your no-doubt beautiful child! No one else could have done that! I have had 3 and while yes, I sometimes mourn my pre-baby body, I also do my best to be appreciate what I am now, healthy and strong and a mama of 3.

  12. I think you look beautiful! And the skirt is very nice too!


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