Friday, October 24, 2014

Braided Rug

I started this rug about six months ago. It turned out to be one of those projects that got me too angry and frustrated so I chucked it against the wall and it sat slumped in a pile all summer long. A few days ago I was about to make myself another pair of jeans, but then I decided I should finish ALL the half-done projects in my studio, so this rug was the first thing I picked up.

I used a heavy wool which made the braid very fat and consequently difficult to work with. The braid kept rolling inward and the rug was turning in to a bowl shape instead of a flat rug. Frustrating right?

I don't know what changed with this second attempt. Maybe I've learned some different tricks on my sewing machine that I'm unaware of. Maybe I've developed some fighter's mental strength and the decision that I WILL WIN. I don't really know, but I got the whole thing stitched together and looking gorgeous in just two hours. HOORAY!


  1. Love, love, love it!
    I'm thinking I need to do one for my kitchen.

  2. I have a rag rug that I started years ago. It's a really tight braid of strips of denim. The big delay has been how hard it is to sew the braid together. I've been doing it by hand with a sturdy needle and a good thimble. I don't think there's any way it will go through my machine. Do you have any ideas? Aside from just muscle through?

  3. I love your new rug!! It's really beautiful. I have always wanted to make one but have been too intimidated to give it a try. Seeing your rug has inspired me to perhaps start one...maybe :)


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