Sunday, June 13, 2010

Simple Silverware Storage

As we recently moved, there were many items we'd been storing in my mom's basement these last 4 years that resurfaced to our delight.  Like our dining table (I was really excited to be able to use again) and 2 packages of nice silverware settings.  They were actually wedding gifts, and our 6 year anniversary is next week.  So I've had them for 6 years and they'd never been opened. 

They're too nice for everyday, and I really wanted to be able to use them for nicer dinners or for company.  But I didn't want to sacrifice drawer space in the kitchen for the fancy silverware.  I knew if they were in a box in a closet somewhere I'd never remember to pull them out.  So I'd been thinking of different ideas, and once again, Pottery Barn inspired the idea to store them in jars. These are anitque pickling jars and they retail for $80.00. 

So the cheap version, using jars I found at thrift stores for $5.00 total.
I wanted different heights of jars and different shapes, since I knew I'd never find a matching set.
One jar was actually shaped like a square version of the Pottery Barn pickling jars to hold the forks. ($2.00)
But my favorite I got a while ago, before I knew what I'd put in it.  The old blue glass spouted Pyrex jar ($1.00) that now holds all the fancy spoons.

I think people have different areas they always look if you go to thrift stores often.
My little sister Lynette goes to fabric/ linens.
Her husband Drew hits the books.
I have a thrift store routine lately: lamps/ small furniture, glassware, books.
You can find really great glassware for less than $1.00, and it's nice because you can just throw it in your dishwasher.
These jars are quite full, so lots of function to store the silverware where I can use it, and also have it look interesting....I think at least. 
My husband isn't sold on this idea yet I don't think.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea. You get to look at it instead of having it stuck in a closet or drawer.


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