Monday, September 20, 2010

Nightmare Before Christmas Painting

Acrylic painting 12x12 on canvas

I recently watched Nightmare Before Christmas and I just love that movie.
Since I've been in Halloween mode lately, it was on the brain.  My little guy wanted to paint, so I grabbed a 12x12 canvas I'd bought at Big Lots a while ago to make a quick simple painting for Halloween decor I guess.
I know it's not really accurate, the end of the movie where Jack and Sally find love in the moonlight, it's actually all covered in snow.  But I wanted it Halloween, so I just made it grayish and kept the pumpkins from the movie cover.

It was pretty quick and fun to paint.   This little man decided he'd rather paint himself than the paper, so we both had a good time for the afternoon.

It was pretty simple:
Just a yellow circle with black/ navy around it.
Then I sketched the gray ground and Jack/ Sally silouettes.

Anyway, just a quick little painting for Halloween!  Right now it sits on my mantle with a few pumpkins.


  1. Thats great, I have a friend who loves Nightmare maybe I should give it a try for her Birhtday present. Thanks

  2. That doesn't look quick or simple to me! Fantastic painting! I love Nightmare Before Christmas. :o)

  3. great job! I need to get out my paints the next time the kids are in the mood. I tend to let them have all the fun. What's wrong with this picture?

  4. I am so doing this too!! Awesome work!

  5. Hey Jess, I just linked you site to my last post. Hope thats cool ;-)

  6. Simple for srtists maybe. Love it!

  7. Good Morning,

    You have a beautiful blog that I enjoy reading on a weekly basis. ☺ You inspire and move me with your creativity and your spunk. On that note, I want to present you with an award, “The Versatile Blogger” Award. You have earned it!

    Go here to accept your award:

    Have a great day and.. Happy Creating!

    Candice S.

  8. You are so talented, girl! What a fun decoration idea. Your little guy is too cute for words.

  9. Wow! I wish I could paint like that! Super cute!!!

  10. I love this (and the movie)! I have been collecting Halloween decorations for a long time, and I have become pickier over the years - so much of holiday decor sold in stores is mass produced in China and is usually poor quality. You've created something unique and well made - which is how all of your crafts seem to be, thanks for sharing!

  11. Again, I say it: You are very talented! I mean, seriously: Wow! Not everyone can draw as well as you. You could easily sell these (assuming that you could get copyright rights, heh) on Etsy or elsewhere.

    Go you! :)

  12. Super cute painting! LOVE IT! =)


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