Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bonnets and Binky Clip Gifts

Two of my good friends recently had baby girls, and it was the first girl after boys for both of them.  So I made two little gifts each with a sun bonnet and binky clips.
I made Ellaria a sun bonnet earlier this summer using the pattern from Little Betty Designs.

This first bonnet I used white eyelet and a big wooden button.

Rather than the ribbon ties, I use elastic rope to stretch under the chin and stretch around the button on the other side. 

 The next bonnet used vintage floral fabric.
I lined the bonnet with a coordinating aqua.

 Then to add some function, I made a few quick Binky Clips, tutorial here.
The white one was lace sewn on top of white ribbon.  It added some texture and I thought the lace made it look a little fancy, although it is still a binky clip.


  1. Sooo cute! I don't even have babies (or girls for that matter) and I want one! lol

  2. Those are adorable gifts! I have a friend having a c-section Oct 19t to welcome her first girl, so I might be playing a little copy cat!

  3. Jess these look amazing! I'm so glad you are able to use the pattern again. Lovely work!

  4. i love the bonnet and i really LOVE the elastic and button as a fastener. ingenious!

  5. Super cute! Your little girl is darling! She looks about my daughters age...5 months?

  6. Jill: You are right, Ellaria is 5 months here, barely sitting on her own. Time is flying a lot faster with my second!

  7. what gorgeous photos! have you ever talked about what camera/lens you use? Simply gorgeous!


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