Thursday, September 29, 2011

How To Change Serger Thread

For those that have a serger or overlock machine, it can be a pain to change the thread.  I'd always just use white on whatever I was making, just to avoid having to re-thread the thing.

But my little sister, Lynette taught me a trick a while ago that makes it so easy to switch your thread to a new color so it can match whatever you're sewing.  Especially since I'm not a perfect sewer, I don't want to draw extra attention to my seam allowances.

Hope this helps and excuse the fact for some reason I couldn't remember the name for the hand get the point though.


  1. Great video!
    Depending on what I'm working on I often just change the 3rd and 4th threads (on the right hand side) because really they are the ones you see the most... and I'm all about the lazy way!!
    Setting the tension to zero (temporarily) helps slide it through easier too :)

  2. Thanks for your tip Jo!

    Unfortunately, my serger is so old, I never touch the is barely hanging on doesn't change correctly.
    If I ever get a modern, fully operative serger I'll have to remember your tip!

  3. Long time reader, first time commenter (sorry, couldn't help it).
    That's a great tip! I'll definitely try that next time.
    And I love the fox pattern. If only my 4 year old wasn't set on being a ninja or 'dark vader'.

  4. Great little video! I knew of this method, but wasn't sure exactly how to implement it. When I took the class for my machine the teacher said to tie it on and just start sewing, but often times only 1 or 2 threads actually make it through this way w/o breaking off. So I pretty much thought that technique was bunk!! haha! Now, I'm off to change my thread :)

  5. I used to do this and it worked great. But now it just breaks and I end up having to start from scratch anyway. I'm not sure why that is, but definitely the best way if your machine cooperates.

  6. I am putting this on my how to sewing list! because really, I only have so many Sharpie markers to color my threads in with... :)

  7. That's the same way I do it!! And I like Jo's tip about changing the tension! I have never tried that!

  8. Thanks for this tip it is awesome! I have a serger that looks just as old as yours if not older, do you have any advice on knowing how to get the tension right? I was given this one without a manual which I found online. Mine works fine,but the stitches have a slant to them and I know the tension is off but with so many different tension knobs it is difficult to know where to start

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

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