Monday, July 23, 2012

Wall for Pattern Pieces and SewSet

I've been thinking about organizing my sewing space.
Thinking about it, but have actually done very little to make it happen.
It seems I have to clean the whole room after every project, although I don't clean it and it builds up until I can barely walk in there.  Or the other day my husband needed the broom and it was in the sewing room.  He came back empty handed and I told him it was in there, I was positive.  After a few minutes he came back with the broom and said: "You should have told me it was in there under a foot of junk!"  First of all fabric isn't junk, but yes, it was a disaster.

So one little thing I've done is try to get the pattern pieces under control.  
I'd say about half the time I sew I make a pattern or use a pattern I've purchased.  
I'm bad about transferring the marks to the fabric, so I usually keep any pieces with markings available to reference as I sew.  It can just become a mess of paper everywhere as I usually work on a few projects at a time.

So a simple solution would be to buy the professional pattern hooks and punch.
But I don't have a rod for them or the money to dish out just to temporarily hang a pattern piece.

So I just hammered a few long nails in my wall above my cutting board.
To hang each pattern piece, I use a round 3/4" hole punch to put a hole in an area that won't affect any important info.

These are the patterns I'm currently working on so it doesn't look pretty, but it's been nice to know any important pieces are up there...somewhere.  Because sometimes I am trying to clean up and a piece of crumpled wrapping paper just looks like trash when it was really a third version of the french knot blouse I've been working on.  
So it's a little white trash but has helped keep the random paper, thin tissue paper, etc. together where I know I can find it again.


On another note, have you heard about
Jessica from MeSewCrazy started an online tutorial/ pattern directory.

It's free and you can upload your patterns and tutorials to allow people to search.
Sewset links them back to your blog post for the tutorial details.
Uploading your projects is quick and easy.

Or you can browse the growing directory rather than hopping blog to blog looking for the purse pattern you'd like to try.
You can search a specific category, recently added, or by designer.
Here's my little designer profile here.

It's a pretty cool way to share your ideas and browse other's in a quick, easy, free directory with photos and easy linking to the original designer's blog.
I wish I had sewset pages on my own blog to organize all my tutorials to make them easy to access!
I've been wanting to have them organized by category with a linked baby image to make it quick and easy and it seems so daunting and time intense.  I wish there were an easy way to make my own directory of all the stuff I've made!


  1. Hey, however you can stay organized, I'm for it! My craft area looks like a mess!

  2. Thank you so much Jess! So funny you say that, I was actually considering getting rid of my tutorial page and linking it straight to my profile at SewSet, since SewSet shows all of the patterns you uploaded underneath your profile pic. It is just so hard to continue to upload the tutorial page!!! I am so glad I am not alone in my thoughts - ha!

  3. I use Christmas wrapping paper to draw & trace patterns too! I thought I saw some hanging on your wall. It's cheap, just the right weight, and just the right width. Let's hear it for resourcefulness!

  4. I like the idea about hanging the patterns a lot because it keeps them in your site. Too often I store things in drawers and they get lost, you know?


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