Saturday, December 1, 2012

Grown Up Blog

Just a little blog announcement.
I finally took the big step to become a unique domain and lose the

The old address not helpful, being when the title of the blog is Running With Scissors.
Even now it isn't {blog title}.com which would be ideal, but this is the closest I could get:

So if you subscribe, you can update your google reader, or RSS feed, or just come visit directly.
I think the change shouldn't disturb links too much.

So same lame look but new address!
(I'm actually hoping to improve things, mainly a nice directory for links to all my tutorials.  I've just been waiting to change the web address before I do it)
Recently I just passed the FIVE year mark having this blog, and this was one of my first projects.
Painting name signs for my friend's twins.
These kids were babies and now they're in kindergarten.

This blog is so old, you'd think it would be better, especially on the techy side of things!
Sometimes I consider putting more effort into making the blog successful and have some monetary compensation, but I'm about to have a baby and it's not a good time to start considering trying to start a new job.  So not much will improve on the blog other than the new web address as baby approaches and comes (only 8 more weeks...maybe even less if I'm lucky!)


  1. Happy Five Years! I love your blog. I too am slow on the technical stuff. I am impressed you made the jump to .com! Way to go!

  2. all grown up!! Did you jump to wordpress too, or still on blogger?? I can't jump over, too scary....

  3. Cool - you're inspiring just the way you are. I love it that you don't run headlong into making this thing bigger and more techy. Enjoy Christmas and the countdown to your new baby :)

  4. I love your blog :) It's easy to use and navigate. Congratulations on the new domain name!

  5. Yay, congratulations!! You figured it out! Isn't it strangely exciting to have the full .com even though nothing else really changes from your perspective?

  6. My Google Reader updated automatically -yay! Congratulations on being a proper .com now! =)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Grammar error....trying again!
    The signs are still hanging in their room!
    Love you Jess!

  9. Love your blog.
    I hope your little one comes early. My first came 4 weeks. That was awesome! Skipped the entire month of February being pregnant. But more importantly, I hope she comes when she is ready and healthy.

  10. I get your blog through email. Do I have to change anything since you made the switch? Love keeping up with you.

  11. what do i need to do if subscribed via email??do not want to miss anything

    1. If you received this post and the two past christmas posts (nativity and junk tree) in your email, you don't have to do anything, it seemed google transferred things. Thanks!

  12. Congratulations on the new address! Mine is 4 years old, and I haven't changed the header image in over a year. *sigh*
    I rely on my husband to rescue me on the tech side of things. Too busy creatin'!
    Glad you have only 8 more weeks to go before you can hold that new little baby.
    Keep doing what you do. We all love it!

    1. in the five years, I've only had 2 headers, and the current one is blurry so I am with you on neglecting the techy side of blogging!

  13. just wondering how you get your blog posts to show up in the blogger news feed even now you're not on blogger? i switched this week and haven't figured that out yet.

    also love the peg people!


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