Friday, November 30, 2012

Holiday Wall Decor from the Junk Drawer: Mom Feature

Another project from my mom.
She made a few of these Christmas Tree wall hangings for us from a load of junk jewelry.

She bought basic canvases and hot glued fabric around them for a darker background.
Then used hot glue to attach all the jewelry.
There are quite a few broaches, like the tree topper. 

It's fun to see the different objects hidden in there, like the "J" she did for me that must have been a charm or something.  
You can also see she outlined the tree with a chain.

Mine is mostly silver and red, with touches of blue to match the rest of our holiday decor at my house.
Notice another charm with the fish? 

A unique, cheap, glam tree.
So now you can raid granny's jewelry junk box for a tree of your own!


  1. Your mom is dang cool. She has the best ideas!

  2. Cool, and yet another reason to frequent the thrift/antique store!

  3. That's so pretty! But I would probably wear 80% of that junk jewelry... I am such a granny sometimes :)

  4. The holiday drawer from wall décor from junk is described here. Good post

    Wall Coverings


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