Friday, May 7, 2010

So I THOUGHT I Was Crafty!

I just lost and got kicked off the craft competition, So You Think You're Crafty.  The theme was Teacher Gifts and from the beginning weeks ago when we received the list of the themes for all 10 weeks, this was the week I dreaded.  So it was true dread and I got the boot.
But I'm glad for the 4 projects I was able to enter and it's been fun. A huge thank you for those that  liked my projects and voted for them these past few weeks!
Part of me is quite relieved since we'll be out of town for 2 weeks and then come back to move out of state and crafting on demand during those events was stressing me out.  So it will be nice to sit back and just see every one's good ideas the remaining weeks.
But it was fun while it lasted, and I feel like I did pretty good.  I was just excited to get past the audition!

My Projects:

Week 3: Teacher's Gifts
This tote stunk a big one:

Week 2: Bath Time
I won last week with these Washcloth Puppets:

Week 1: Folksy
The birdcage took 2nd place:

And my audition of the Toddler Newsie Suit didn't do great, but it got me in:

So now that SYTYC is over, I can really hit my garage of projects to complete before the move...more of those to come.

I tore down one of the blue ATV upholstered chairs and it was quite interesting.


  1. You had a good run though! Congratulations for making it as far as you did!

  2. I am so glad you were brave enough to enter. I loved your little guy's outfit. The bath time craft was my favorite. Best wishes with you move. I've been grateful to learn more about your amazing talent, and look forward to seeing how you create your new home. Best wishes, and happy Mother's Day.

  3. Congrats on making it this far, and for winning a week - I can only dream of something like that. It was all worth it because that's how I found your blog, and I'm loving it!

  4. Are you serious?? First of all, I was pretty shocked that this tote lost. I really liked it. This session has been weird. Someone new has won each week and I have been surprised each week at the crafter that has been kicked off. I was hoping you'd hang on till the end, and not gonna lie, I was hoping I'd be there with ya.
    Great job. I would love to see what your craft is for next week, so post it!

  5. the tote is great and in no way stunk a big one!:O)
    congrats for making it this far!!

  6. I totally agree with Ann!!! I wish you were stickin around :( I can't believe you're out!!!! I'm so sad about that! Your puppets were so amazing and the birdcage is awesome! And the tote... you did NOT stink it up!!!!!!! :( We're going to miss you!

  7. You don't know me but I LOVED your stuff on SYTYC. I was with you from the very first week! (I think your Newsie suit was my favorite thing from the entire competition!) I'm sad to see you out of the competition, but glad you now have time for other things.

  8. I am floored that you lost! I loved this tote--if you do a tutorial I'd love to give it a try!

  9. You did a great job and you had my vote for more than one of your projects. With all that you have ahead of yourself, you're probably lucky to be done with the competition. I know I'll still be watching you here on your blog.

  10. Bummer! Isn't it funny how you can go from the top to out so soon! You did great though, I'm glad you entered so that more of us could find your blog!

  11. This tote was great! I am shocked that it lost! I love all your stuff you are amazingly talented!

  12. I love the suit! I don't know what it was up against but I wish I had a little man to put in one. :)


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