
Reader Projects

12:15 PM

I am alive, and I am actually sewing a lot, but I'm just wrapping up all these capes for my Halloween/ Christmas batch in my etsy shop.
 So I don't have any new, exciting projects to share, but a few more pillows have been sent in!

Valerie made this pillow for her entry bench.  She has a silhouette machine, and actually made the bird as a heat transfer and just ironed it right on a pillow she bought, then added leaves by just ironing them on too with Heat'N'Bond.  So easy and looks great!
More details on her no-sew version of this project on her blog.

Rachel sent me her version, where she went with a fun green background and added burlap details in the upper corner.
Thanks for sharing your projects, and next week I should have at least one project to share--so far I've been really liking it!

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