
House Update: Foundation

12:10 AM

The biggest project I've ever taken on, is building the home we plan to live in until we die.
Luckily, Rhett and I have done everything together, so this house has kind of become another member of our family.

"We're building our own home" can mean a lot of things.

On one end, there are those who literally build everything themselves, nail every 2x4, and in the end they're home is completely constructed from their themselves, friends and family.  
We are not that talented.

On the other end are those who hire a general contractor, designer, and supervise and make all the decisions on their home build.
We are cheap and trying to save money.

We are in the middle.
We are hiring all the structural subs and plan to do a lot  of the finish work ourselves once it has sheetrock.

I've learned a lot about construction so far and have been grateful for a lot of verbal abuse as a teenager dancing intense ballet that gave me thick skin.  Construction is a stressful business and I've found each sub wants to do his individual part his way, not thinking ahead for the other subs who will follow behind.  But I have the whole house in mind, down to every inch and so there were some arguments and I felt really manly disagreeing about how to cure concrete on the job site.

But so far most things are how we wanted/ designed/ envisioned.

And I realize we are a horrible client to build for.
We designed the house and have been planning every inch for almost 2 years, so we notice when a wall is 4" out of place, or I have a plan for this space so no you can't frame it flush with the other wall for your convenience.
I guess that is why we decided to be our own General Contractor.  
We're too invested and care too much about lots of details I guess.

Previous Posts:

Things are moving along, faster than I expected.  
Our goal was to dry in or have it waterproof before snow, and move in before Christmas.
Not sure if moving in will be reality, but I guess it's a nice goal.

SO...the concrete work.
Rhett really wanted to pour 9' basement walls.
I thought it would be nice to have a taller basement, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me.
It wasn't that much more to pour the extra foot of wall, so we went with it.

Watching the crew do the concrete work made me impressed anyone does this on their own.
Looked exhausting and I was glad to hire it out.

One of my favorite spaces (in my head) will be a patio off the basement. 

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  1. Looks awesome! It's your house you have a right to be picky. Good for you for sticking with your guns. Can wait to see more!

  2. ooooo cold storage and tall basement ceilings?? awesome. i can't wait to see more!

  3. When you're finished, you'll have the house *you* wanted. Stick to your guns with contractors. They're not always right(as we know)! We built to our specs 38 years ago, and then added on 3 more rooms 22 years ago. We adore our home still and plan to be here as long as possible. All the best-from Australia.

  4. Cold storage?! I would love to have that! It will be worth it to stick to your plans... you know what you need a lot more than the contractors do.


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