
Black Jeans

9:45 AM

I found some heavy black denim on my shelf that I had totally forgotten about so I made some jeans with it. They have a very high waist and slim legs and the denim is so stiff and heavy I think they will last for a long time.

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  1. great job. I am curious to know if you prewashed the denim? luckily I was really interested in using it more as a :muslin: for fitting purposes when I had some denim that fit your description because when I finally laundered it, it lost all its oomph, frayed, lost color and SHRUNK as well as just plain being misshapen. oh well I just hate the prewash phase of sewing most of the time.

  2. I did prewash, but I never use the dryer. I hang dry all of my clothes so most of my jeans stay pretty stiff.


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