Another family sign ...
More signs...trying to finish everything in the next 4 weeks so I don't have to worry about them close to or after the baby. ...
Here is a painting for Baby Rhett based on illustrations from my favorite book, My Father's Dragon. ...
I've been working on some art projects for the baby's room. The first will be a few watercolors from my favorite pictures of Rhett's childhood. The first is a picture of Rhett and his older brother with all their newborn puppies. I love this picture of Rhett, he was probably 3 or 4 and I think he was such a cute little chunk....
Signs for newborn little girl to match nursery, pink & yellow. She did really well considering we had double hand/ feet printing with both colors. She cried, but in the end she did a god job. Also a sign for 3 sisters. ...