
Giveaway: Shirred Pocket Skirt CLOSED

12:38 AM

Selected by random.org was #23
Danielle Richard
Ooh! How generous! I'd love either one of those. And I made my 15 month old little girl a nightgown last night out of an adult xl tshirt and used your elastic shirring technique for the neckline. It turned out great!
Richardcreative at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and the inspiration!

I don't have giveaways very often, but I made a butt-load of shirred pocket skirts and planned to give one away.  I actually hate giveaways most of the time because I used to enter them all the time and after never winning I just get annoyed.

So from the poll on the tutorial post, it seemed a lot of people liked the the solid teal blue skirt, and a lot liked the brown with blue contrasting stitching.

So I haven't worn either skirt other than taking the dorky photos, so whoever wins can pick which one they want out of those two.
I'm kind of a bigger girl, so if you're a size 0 or something, even the shirred elastic waist may be too big, but for the most part it should fit most bodies I would think.  Also, if it's too long, you could always just press the edge under and hem it one more time to your liking easily.

So here's how to enter:
Just leave a comment.
Make sure your email address is in your comment in case you win.
And maybe tell me your favorite chick flick movie, or better yet your most embarrassing moment.
{embarrassing moment stories unfortunately won't increase your chance at winning, but I would love it}

I'm willing to ship internationally on this one too if you aren't in the United States so anyone can enter.
Sometime Monday when I get to it, I'll close it down and have random.org pick the winner.

Only one entry per person.

So one winner, and they can pick between the blue or brown skirt.

I think that's all....
I stink like a campfire because we just got home from a big camp trip so I need to go shower.
Good luck!

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  1. I love the blue skirt. My favorite movie is pride and prejudice, I can watch it over and over. I can't get enough of it. I think I was born in the wrong time period. Wouldn't be awesome If I could go to one of those balls :)


  2. Thank you so much for this tutorial! I just finished my first skirt! I'm so excited to show it off at church tomorrow and to make more for myself and my little girls. (This was my first time shirring too! I LOVE the spiral tip!) Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love the brown. Oh, and one of my fave movies is Wild Hogs. Cracks me up every time!

    amys31gifts AT aol Dot com

  3. I love the brown one! I am always amazed at your sewing talent. Gorgeous. Let's see, embarrassing moment... I was at a dance & waiting for my cousins, I thought I saw her & went & tugged on her hair rather hard to get back at her for being late... the girl turned around, it wasnt my cousin. I just about died. I learned my lesson to be nice! Le.tigerlily at gmail dot com

  4. I love the pattern - I'm a huge fan of shirring! Hands down, fave chick flick is Pride and Prejudice (any of the versions!). My two babies even love it.
    I'll tell you an embarrassing moment, just for kicks: Before the hubs and I were married, we were having a kissing fight (you press your lips together and whoever laughs first loses). I started to snort-laugh and shot a booger onto his cheek! HAHA! And he still married me. Must be love :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sign me up for the blue one. Although, I seem to fall into your same predicament of not ever winning anything, but it is always fun to read the other comments when it has to do with embarrassing stories. I have two short ones. The first one happened when I was 12 and going on my first temple trip. We used to have to drive up to Seattle to go to the temple, so we would meet in a local parking lot at around 5:00am and carpool. One of these times, my dad and another man in my ward had the same coat on...and yes, I went up and gave the wrong guy a big hug and went to give him a kiss and found that it was not my dad. Whoopsie! The other one happened when I was a freshman in high school between first and second period. I was outside walking to my next class and someone called my name so I turned my head at the exact moment the sidewalk curved away and slipped right into the mud in front of loads of people. When I went down to the office to tell them I needed to call my dad and have him pick me up, they made sure to grill me to find out why, which I thought was funny because if they had just looked at me, they would have had their answer. I had to ride home on a tarp. Nice.

  7. I think i would like the blue! my favorite chick flick is Ever After. so timeless & empowering- i love when she walks out and he is like 'im here to save you!' shes like... thanks, but im good... LOL!

    As for most embarrassing??? i was messaging my Boyfriend (now husband) on the computer and just being a silly giddy girl...talking about this person & that, and how i like his cute butt. then he messages back "this is his father. he went to sleep an hour ago.I'll let him know you like his butt"... and i message him "oh, sorry." they still tease me that im a giddy girl, ditzy.... its been 10 years since then!!! weve been married 7 years... luckily there was no toast to my hubbs "cute butt!!!"

    swest1206 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. How cute!! Thanks for the chance!!! I love love love you got mail!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  9. I love the brown with blue contrasting stitches, let's see if I can win this one! Favorite chick flick movie... hum... lately I've been reminiscing about "dirty dancing", it was all so romantic in a naughty kind of way.

  10. MOST embarrassing moment? Gee, I have so many... There was the time I wet my pants at Girl Scout camp. How about when I lied to a hotel manager (who was on to me all along) to get into a friend's room only to get busted later while retelling the story while said manager was right around the corner. Yeah. He heard. There are dating blunders. Lots of foot-in-mouth episodes. How much time do you have?

    And it's very nice of you to host a giveaway even though they haven't been kind to you in the past.

  11. Thanks for the chance.. I loves the skirt especially the brown one :D
    Well, I loves Twilight series..
    Like the love story of vampire and human even though it's a bit weird but I do love it.. I have one time having dream of biting by vampire and I had become a vampire and my life changed.. I become immortal, strong, pretty and etc.. Sound funny, right? Well, that's my story...
    Cheers :D

  12. Pick me, pick me!
    Favorite movie? The Princess Bride... although when watching it now with my daughters I always dis. on Buttercup in the Fire Swamp... she is so helpless there it is annoying!
    Most embarrassing moment? Looking back at it, I'm embarrassed by how hard I threw myself at a boy I liked when I was 17... He was just not that into me, and my lack of self respect is embarrassing to recall!

  13. I love that brown skirt!

    Ok most embarrassing is STILL when I was in first grade I wore my Halloween costume to school cause I was absent on the day they sent the note home saying we couldn't :(

  14. I love the the brown one! I don't remember my most embarrassing story. I was a pretty cautious person right from young. I get terribly embarrassed if I get sick in public though.

  15. I would love the brown one, being 9 months pregnant and hot in just about everything I'm wearing besides a swimsuit. Speaking of swimsuits, I don't get embarrassed very often, but when a youngster pulls the top of mine down while I'm teaching lessons like they did last week in front of their parent, that does ruffle my feathers just a bit!

  16. oh, fun giveaway. I think I would pick the blue one. My favorite movie is The Proposal. I could watch it everyday and still laugh out loud the whole time.

  17. They are both so cute...! I have saved the tutorial and hope someday I will feel skilled enough to try and make a couple myself. Of course, getting one without that effort might be just as nice! :) My favorite chick flick is probably Emma. Or You've Got Mail.

    As for an embarrassing moment. My whole life probably counts, I'm kind of prone to slipping out things that shouldn't be slipped. I do remember one particularly embarrassing moment in the 9th grade when those going on in the science fair were staying overnight in a hotel during the fair. I had sewed myself some awesome veggietale pj's that I was wearing. Later that night as I was getting into bed I realized they were ripped about 6 inches in the bum, only to have one of my roomies inform me they had been like that the whole night as I'd been running around the hotel. Yikes!


  18. Playing so you can ship it to France ! Most embarrassing moment : maybe when I was a student and my daugther was 2 months old ... I had to take exams and milk began to flow out of my breast (and I was soaked wet!)
    Sorry for my english ...

  19. first I must say that you are not a big girl! you look perfectly healthy and gorgeous in the pictures.

    one of my most favorite chick flicks (i have many) is While You Were Sleeping.

  20. The skirt looks super comfortable! I especially love the brown one with the contrasting stitching.

    My fave chick flick movie is... euhm... I would go for Save the last dance

  21. I love them both! I can not wait to make some! my fav chick flick would be Steel Magnolias. I cry and laugh.

  22. I love them both!!! So cute! I think my fav chick flick is The Princess Bride... or You've got Mail. I love those both! Thanks for the chance!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  23. Ooooh! I love these skirts! Thanks so much for the chance to win one! Oh, girl...I can't think of an embarrassing moment! (not that there haven't been plenty...I just can't think of one...;)) - but I love any Lifetime made-for-tv movie...:P

  24. since when are you considered :bigger:???!!! weirdo.

    I would love love love the brown skirt!!!

    Most embarrassing moment....I was out for dinner with my husband, his best friend and my husband's best friend's girlfriend.
    I was 8.5 months pregnant.
    It was a small, country Inn with a sweet little family run restaurant. The chairs were wooden.
    Did I mention I was very pregnant?
    The people I was with made me laugh, very suddenly, and very hard. The expulsion of laughter also expelled a long lot of pressurized air from my butt....sitting on wooden chairs, the farts *yes, plural* reverberated through the dinning room, loudly calling attention to me, the farter. I wanted to hide under the table!!!
    Big, fat, farting pregnant gal, right here!!!!!

  25. Ooh! How generous! I'd love either one of those. And I made my 15 month old little girl a nightgown last night out of an adult xl tshirt and used your elastic shirring technique for the neckline. It turned out great!
    Richardcreative at yahoo dot com
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and the inspiration!

  26. They are both gorgeous skirts. And it would be awesome for an I just had a baby last week type of body. Well I am hoping I have this baby soon. :)
    I just watched "Life as we know it". It was so cute! Makes you want to kiss your kids, and find your man and have an evening out.

  27. Love the skirts. My daughter just got a job and I would love to win this for her! I will be making some for her. My favorite chick flick of all time is Pride and Prejudice. Just love Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy!!

  28. I would love to win the brown one, but the teal one is pretty too. I guess if I don't win I will have to try and make one for myself. I have never shirred before, so it would be something new for me to try. I am not much on chick flicks, but I do love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It is an oldie, but a goodie! Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. Thanks for the chance to win! I love these skirts and you did a fantastic job on them. I'm not really sure what my favorite chick flick is right now and I've blocked out all my embarassing memories.

  30. I love the blue one! One time I was totally embarrassed (there are many) I was in a class at BYU where we needed to provide our own urine samples to test. I drank tons of water because I thought I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't pee. Well, I had to get up and ask for a cup in the middle of the lecture because I couldn't hold it anymore, and maybe no one else cared, but I was really embarrasesed!

  31. Love the skirts! One of my favorite chick flicks is Ever After.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. I love both skirts!!!

    My favorite chick flick is probably "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers".

    And here's my embarrassing moment:
    My senior year in high school, we were doing dress rehearsals for a musical I was in. One of my costumes was a light tan dress. Normally, I would wear a slip underneath, but I guess I forgot it that day. Anyway, it was a little embarrassing when my friends in the orchestra pit started making comments about my pink striped underwear later. :)

    janiebt at gmail dot com

  33. I'd love a chance to win. I love all the skirts you made and am excited to try my own. I love both colors. My email is mmwhitesides@gmail.com. My fav. Chik flick is You've got Mail.

  34. I love the brown skirt! Thanks for the giveaway!
    My favorite chick flick is Young Victoria. Oh, it's so good!
    sunysummersmile at gmail dot com

  35. Love the blue one. Too many movies to choose from and way too many embarrassing moments. I love to sew. Love Jesus, may family and friends and all that life has to offer.

  36. I love the blue! Great tutorial btw.
    My most embarrassing moment was when my oldest child was about three. We were at McDonalds and after eating he was playing on the indoor playground. I guess he must have still been hungry, because he walked up to another person's table and ate one of their chicken nuggets while they were playing. You can imagine the look or horror on my face! He was too far away for me to get to him in time to stop it. It was like the entire thing happened in slow motion. Luckily the other parent was understanding about it. Needless to say, we packed up and got the heck out of there.

  37. I love the brown with contrasting blue stitching. My favorite chick flick is Miss Congeniality.


  38. Goofy me.. My e-mail is

    sanstemar55@yahoo. Com

  39. I would pick the blue skirt. And my favorite chick flick is Kate & Leopold.


  40. Cute skirts! And I have to say my favorite is the grey with the white band!! LOL! And since I never win giveaways either I guess it doesn't really matter that I like a different one best than the ones you are giving away!!

  41. First of all thanks for the simple requirements. I have stopped entering giveaways b/c you have to do too much stuff to get an entry.

    I LoVE the brown skirt!!! They both look so comfy, yet functional!!

  42. Awesome giveaway (:
    My favorite "chick flick" has to be Dirty Dancing. Was it meant to be a chick flick? I don't know. I just know it brings tears to my eyes every. time. and I always ask my boyfriend to play the part of Johnny and I play Baby while we watch and we say the lines before they happen. Pretty awesome.

  43. such cute skirts! i love the pockets. favorite chick flick... anne of green gables. does that count? i also love 13 going on 30.

  44. Super cute! I think I like the brown with the blue stitching-something about opposite colors on the same garent always gets me! My favorite chick flick/movie of all time is Steele Magnolias. I laugh, cry, sob and giggle all at the same! Love it!


  45. Oh, I loved your skirts so I'll throw my name in too!

    My most embarrassing moment was in 6th grade, my friends and I had been out playing "night games". We decided to doorbell ditch a neighbor, while we were running away he chased after us and I peed my pants, literally! He made me come back to apologize to his wife and their dinner guests and my pants were dipping wet. Nice.

  46. You are so generous to give away one of these darling skirts! I love the brown one! The contrasting stitching is awesome.

    My favorite chick flicks are "Definitely Maybe" and "The Holiday". They both have awesome soundtracks. My husband knows that if one of those are on I need a night to myself. :)

    And an embarrassing story: I was in college and hanging out with some friends. A boy and I were wrestling over something, a remote or something, and he elbowed me hard in the chest. I said "Ouch! You hit my scrotum!" instead of "sternum". It was hugely embarrassing.

    mercedijhale (at) hotmail

  47. I really need to just gice shirring a try. I am a bit nervous though. Maybe if I try it while wearing one of these... and currently my fav movie is anything with Jake Gellyhal or Ryan Reynolds in it. I'm easy to please.
    Embarrassing moment: Surfing and realizing that one of my "girls" had come out of my swimsuit top. Nice. To say the least I paddled in and went home.

  48. I love the blue skirt. You have some serious talent! And you look fantastic- you aren't on the big side at all.

    I may just have to send you an email about my most embarrassing moment... as for my favorite movie I LOVE 17 again. But it is hilarious!

    I'll send that email soon. It really is embarrassing.

    Oh- my email is kathryn (dot) buie (at) gmail (dot) com

  49. I like the brown one and I think this would be super comfy during this pregnancy. I wish I had your talent for making clothes.


  50. I like the teal skirt. My favorite chick flick is while you were sleeping.
    heidikittelson at gmail dot com

  51. I would LOVE to win and I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'll get chosen. Fav chick flick- love Sweet Home Alabama (drives my husband crazy.) As far as an embarrassing moment- I worked our family fishing lodge when I was younger and prepared some coffee cake for new clients that were coming in. I accidentally used salt instead of sugar and needless to say we didn't know until they had eaten 2 large pieces. My Mom sent me to apologize with something to drink.

  52. YES! SO GLAD you decided to give one away!! now i just need to win it :O) #1 - dignity_depravity@hotmail.com #2- Pride & Prejudice & Sense & Sensibility tie! i love newer flicks too, but nothing compares to these classics- my heart swells :O) #3- i used to work for a waterproofing/foundation repair company, answering phones & making appointments for estimates... there was a list of questions that you asked on the phone when making an appointment and as i was speaking to a gentleman with foundation problems and taking his information down i got a bit tongue tied when asking him "and are your walls bowing?" and instead asked him "and are your balls wowing?" AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! i sat there with my mouth wide open in completely silence as soon as it came out of my mouth, put him on hold, DIED laughing/crying, took him OFF hold, apologized and never lived it down. oh dear :O)

  53. what a fun giveaway!! I'd love teal one....or the brown one - -really, both are super cute~

  54. Hm. One of my embarrassing moments was walking into a lamp pole and getting a black eye the weekend before my freshman year at college.

  55. I love both of the skirts, blue is my favorite color, but I love the unexpected pop from the stitching. SO my favorite chick flick is French Kiss with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline...I can watch it over and over. I turn it on when nothing else is on to fold clothes to. I love the soundtrack and one day hope to make it to Provence and the French Riviera.
    My embarrassing moment, so to speak...I told everyone that we were absolutely finished having babies. I wasn't going to be pregnant again- two boys, two girls = finito. We are expecting our fifth in January.

  56. Umm... I like both colors but I think the brown is pretty awesome and would love that one. Let's see, chick flick....I'll admit - Twilight. Go ahead, tease all you want. :-)

  57. love them both... if i HAD to choose i'd go blue though... I watched the princess bride a million times in high school! haven't seen it recently though.. hmmm... might have to rent that one! :) can't wait to try your tutorial! barahona_metzler at yahoo dot com

  58. My favourite movie is Anne of Green Gables, Sequel included. I watch it about once a year since I was a girl. Love it!

    Love the skirts and other sewing projects you've done here...

    anna at annavandas dot com

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Ooo, the brown is my favorite. Favorite chick flick: BBC's North and South with Daniela Denby-Ashe and Richard Armitage. Oh my. Or The Young Victoria with Emily Blunt. What a gorgeous movie-the costumes, the lighting...just ahhhhhh.
    (My email is funnyfunnymotherATgmailDOTcom)

  61. Wow, I thought we were doing well getting just the tutorial, but a giveaway too is extremely generous :o) They're both really cute, but my friend tells me I wear too much blue, so perhaps I'd better vote for the brown one, just in case :oD

    I don't think you've got long enough for me to list embarassing moments, but my favourite film is probably Sweet Home Alabama

  62. Lovin' that brown skirt!

    Favorite chick flick? Richard Gere in Red Corner. Great Movie!

  63. Thank you for this giveaway! I would pay money for you to make me one of these skirts (hint hint). My favorite chick flick is The Proposal.

    My email is jennadianesmith@gmail.com

    I love the brown skirt!

  64. Love this!! Thanks for the chance to win. You are an awesome seamstress. Favorite Chick Flick by far is The Notebook. Have a fabulous day!!!

  65. I love the teal skirt! I am 3 months pregnant with my third little one, and it would be awesome summer wear for my ever-expanding belly!

    My favorite chick flick would have to be Pride and Prejudice (the BBC/ A&E version). I love how they took the time to tell the whole story. And, well, Colin Firth sure doesn't hurt my eyes.

    My email is cynthia.rhoads@gmail.com

  66. I would love to win, thanks! My favorite chick flick always used to be One Fine Day...but I haven't seen it in years! I think this is my first time to comment - so hello!

    wsspaid at yahoo dot com

  67. I like the brown skirt. My favorite chic flick? Oh gosh. I really like About A Boy and Once. But, whenever I am flipping through the channels and On Golden Pond is on, I watch it til the end regardless of the time.

  68. Your cousin Sarah is one of my very best friends and I just love the stuff you create~so beautiful!

    I love the blue skirt.

    My favorite chick flicks are anything based on a Jane Austin book!
    I hope I win!


  69. Would love the brown skirt. Favorite chick flick is "While You Were Sleeping".

  70. Ooo, I wanna win! I LOVE these skirts. I wanna make one, but I'd love it even more if I got one YOU made!
    My most embaressing moment (hope you don't share this on your blog! haha) I was at Lake Powell with my new (at the time) in laws, and we stopped our boat ride to cool off in the water. We were swimming around, and I felt the urge to break wind. I had a blonde moment, and thought if I did it in the water, bubbles would come up and someone would notice. So I decided to "casually" lift my behind out of the water to break wind. With my wet swim suit, of coarse, it was instead just REALLY LOUD. My brother in law looked at me and asked if I had just burped. But he knew what really happened, and I have never lived that moment down.
    Yeah, I was mortified. Still am. :D

  71. I would love to win the blue one! I'm on a quest to the perfect skirt, but haven't tried sewing shirred one yet!

  72. Can't think of the most embarrassing moment, but I'd love to win the skirt! :)


  73. Ooooh I love Under the Tuscan Sun, and Out of Africa, and It's Complicated. I didn't realize I like so many girly films:)
    Fabulous skirt!
    I know I have had so many embarrassing moments, but am totally blanking right now!

  74. I would love the brown one!! And for my most recent embarrassing moment is....I told my son's girlfriend that she had forgotten her panties after they went in the pool and she said they weren't hers!!!! Could of died and my son could of killed me!!!!

  75. I'd like the grey skirt -- it would work so well for a maternity skirt and be so comfy too, I think.

    I'm really liking Elizabeth Gaskell's novels-turned-movies right now (North & South, Wives & Daughters)--available from Netflix or your local library. =)

  76. Oops, and my email address is...
    hhwiseman @ gmail (dot) com

  77. It's hard to choose between those skirts! They're both adorable. I think I'll go with the teal though, just to go with a color I don't normally wear. As for movies, does Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure count as a chick flick? Because I love that movie.

  78. Well this is just fun! Those skirts were my top choices. Hmm, fave chick flick? Probably The Notebook. It makes me cry every time.

  79. I love the teal one! So pretty. My favorite chick flick is The Lakehouse. I think I need to go watch it now!


  80. I love the grey skirt! My fave movie is probably The Princess Bridge!


  81. I am not a big chick flick fan, but when I was younger I loved While You Were Sleeping. I saw it so many times that I knew the movie by the opening song. I've never won any giveaways either, but I figure, what the hey, I can't win if I don't try. Maybe one of these it will actually pan out.


  82. I love love love your skirt! Super cute. I have too many embarrassing moments to choose one, so I'll tell you my fav movie is "A Room with a View"

  83. Oh I would seriously love to win one of the skirts!! My favorite movie is A Walk to Remember!


  84. There is nothing better than a skirt with pockets! It's not like putting stuff in the pocket of your jeans which makes you look all lumpy. Given sufficient fabric coverage, you could easily carry pretty much anything in a skirt pocket.

    My fave chick flick is The Princess Bride. Is that a chick flick? Maybe not. But SO GOOD!

  85. The brown one for me please. I love the movie Steel Magnolias the comebacks are so funny. esterling9 at aol dot com

  86. I would have to say my current favorite chick flick is "lost in Austen.". It's a reimagined version of pride and prejudice (also another favorite chick flick.). I hope I win the blue skirt!

    aiphan1238 (at) gmail (dot) com

  87. I would love either skirt but I thinking I am leaning toward teal. I love Teal!

    You can contact me through my profile.


  88. Favorite chick flick would be 10 Things I Hate About You solely because whenever I see it I think of the my friends from high school because we were obsessed with it because of Heath Ledger.


  89. such a cute skirt! i'll definitely be making one of these soon. now that we're in texas, i have been living in skirts! and my favorite chick flick right now is when in rome. i've been watching it on netflix and love it! sorry... can't think of just 1 embarrassing moment to share :)

    genevievecurtis at gmail dot com

  90. They're both adorable! deshazer(dot)jennifer(at)gmail(dot)com.

  91. Thanks for the chance! My most embarrassing moment was when I realized I had toilet paper hanging out of my pants, after I had walked to the front of a packed movie theater!

  92. ohhhhh would totally love one of these skirts (I'm loving the brown with the contrasting thread!).

    Sorry, I can't really think of any embarassing stories, but I gotta love Now and Then or Bridget Jone's Diary as my favourite chick flicks - at least my favs, my hubby has some of his own favourites, including Clueless and Mean Girls ;)

  93. I am not a chick flick kinda gal, and I could go on and on and on with the embarrassing moments :), sadly many of which happened even before I was a mommy, haha. Thanks for the giveaway, I love your stuff!

  94. I really appreciate your tutorial..and I say I'll make, but the sewing "to do" list is much longer than the summer! Would love to win the comfy teal skirt -- thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

  95. I love both of the skirts, I should really stop being so lazy and go make one. I think I would pick the brown. My favorite chick movie would have to be While You Were Sleeping, I have been watching it for years. Thanks

  96. I have this tutorial saved to my delicious account, just waiting to have time to make it--the skirt is so cute, and you have to love the price! I think I'd pick the brown, but I like the teal, too. Favorite chick flick is Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, best 80s movie EVER! emily.guier@gmail.com

  97. I would love either one!

    my email is jaime@waywardgirlscrafts.com

    Embarrassing moment: yesterday it was very went when I got out of the car before church and I think I flashed the missionaries. SORRY! =)


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