
NURSERY...done as far as I'm going

12:28 PM
RJ's Room Most of the projects are all here in separate posts, so I don't have much to say. But thanks to Grammy K for the crib and Grandma C for the changing table! We really appreciate it. Rhett gave me the glider for my birthday last year. The rest of the furniture was hand-me-downs. We painted the room for bright coral pink...


home decor


12:14 PM
Decorating on a budget brings interesting ideas. The window in RJ's room doesn't have blinds, so I thought I'd make some curtains. I found at Target cheap hardware for a double rod for $7. The actual curtain rods were expensive! So I had a great idea, at Home Depot I bought one 10 foot 1/2 inch piece diameter rod of rigid PVC pipe...




10:19 PM
I made these signs for Halloween. I came up with the saying a couple years ago and made blocks and an upright little plaque thing. I thought the upright would be cute hanging on a wall by an orange ribbon or something. I painted the wood orange, then put on a weathering/ crackle layer, you can buy cheap crackle medium at craft stores...


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