front back Another skirt for my cousin as part of our skirt/ painting exchange. The print was larger on this fabric, so I thought I'd better keep it simple. Just a simple pencil skirt with back zipper and slit. Narrow waistband. A little below the knee.Skirt 1Skirt 2 ...
Brooklyn wanted a tote like everyone else a couple weeks ago. She has sewn a little bit and pretty much made the whole thing with some help. She drew the applique herself. It is a monster her and her friends created in 5th grade. His name is ZERN the monster and he has a black gun on his back and a green blade...
Toddler Beach Totes!I designed these smaller than your average tote so little people could carry them without dragging them on the ground. Here is my son, R.J. sporting the crab tote. He is 12 months old. They're all made out of canvas. Durable, cute, and lower prices!I only wish we lived near a beach. ...
My two nephews wanted in on the tote action once they saw Aubree's, so we slopped some together from the scraps we could scrounge around the house.Mitchel's favorite animal is the penguin. The applique is pretty crappy, we only had white thread and a Hello Kitty sewing machine. Mitch was really excited to take his tote to church to carry his scriptures, paper/pencil,...