
Wedding Gifts

10:44 PM

A friend asked me to make some signs for her friends getting married this summer.
I haven't painted signs for a while so it was nice to have a change for a moment.
Hand-painted isn't perfect like vinyl stickers, because the text is painted free hand, so ya, not vinyl perfect.
I'd like to think the imperfection is character.


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  1. I've always wanted one of these established signs. Never thought of actually making one myself. I can't believe you hand painted yours, they look perfect.

  2. ok jess, pretty sure yours could most definitely pass for vinyl...they look totally perfect.

    And just so you know, I have been officially back in the swing of things for a good week now, and have your vinyl reprinted (wahoo!). We are leaving on vacation tomorrow and I will try to drop it in the mail, but if I don't, you will get it sometime next week!

    thanks for being so patient, your the best!

    Oh, and I can't wait to hear what you have in store for your house!


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