
Holy Crap!

5:00 AM

I was shocked when Kari from Ucreate invited me to be a creative guest!

U Create
You can get my tutorial to make this Bird Pillow Cover on her site today!

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  1. Loved the tutorial, Jess. The waverly fabric you showed has been haunting me. I appreciate seeing a much more economical way to get the same effect. Well done.

  2. That is AWESOME! I was so pleasantly surprised when I went on ucreate and saw you! And of course the craft is gorgeous. Good job, Jessica!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jessica,

    I'm honored to have you on Ucreate today...your talent seriously amazes me!!

    Thank you so much for letting me share you with my readers!!

  5. Cute pillow! I was just looking at your craft space. Very nice. I love your white desk with the sewing machine on it. If you don't mind me asking, where did you buy it?

  6. I followed the link from U-create. I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I am here from U-create. I LOVE your blog, I just spent the past 30 minutes clicking around y our page! I have a bunch of your tutorials on my to do list now! Thank you=)
    I am now a new follower, I can't wait to see more!

  8. Used your amazing tutorial to make my own pillow! Check it out if you want :D And thanks for the amazing tut!



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