
Guess Who Surprised Us?

7:55 AM

I was scheduled for an induction next Monday, but she decided to arrive early!

Her big brother just loves her, despite the fake smile.  I was kind of surprised he is so enthralled with her.  He ran in the room and saw her for the first time, stopped and said: "Ohhh.....sweet baby!"
I thought he'd be indifferent, but I'm glad he is so excited.  This first time he held her, he kept staring at his hand then looking at hers, trying to wrap his mind around how tiny she is compared to him.  Pretty cute. 

  I was so happy she was just a little peanut, but still had some chub. 
We're both doing well, we're just stuck in the hospital for 48 hours because labor went too fast (2.5 hours) and she didn't get the full antibiotics before she was born for the strep B I have. 
I actually felt bad because we got to the hospital yesterday at 6am and I was 8 cm, so the nursing staff were all running around trying to get things ready and she was born in a little over an hour.  I never thought I'd actually go into labor, and had no idea it would all progress so fast.  But I have to say I didn't mind!

We're so excited to have Baby Ellie here safe and healthy and have just been loving those chubba cheeks.
So I obviously won't be posting any new projects any time soon...she's probably my best creation anyway (along with my boy too) :)

The crazy thing is my sister-in-law also had her baby yesterday.  Both of us had the same due date for next Tues, and we both delivered 6 days early.  So these two cousins share a birthday.  Wild!

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  1. so awesome! she is absolutely beautiful and i'm so glad that labor was quick for you! those cheeks are so kissable! my cousin and i have the same birthday too:O)

  2. Congrats to you and your family and look at you already posting to the blog! You are a better woman then I. Take care of that sweet baby, she's adorable and it looks like big brother is going to be a big help.

    Good luck!

  3. Wonderful! All the best wishes for your family! She looks beautyful and you look realy great too!

  4. she is precious!! congrats :) and how special to have a cousin with the same excact birthday!

  5. How exciting. Congrats to you and your family!

  6. I love her name...congrats to you and hubby and big brother!! She is gorgeous...just like her Momma!!!

  7. Congratulations Jessica, to you and your sister-in-law. She is beautiful!! Love the name.

  8. Congratulations! She is gorgeous,i am glad everything went well. Thanks for answering my question about the dress too.

  9. Felicidades! Look at those curls, and the cheeks! So happy you are all well. What a great way to get labor over quick. :)
    Get lots of rest and enjoy that wonderful fresh from Heaven baby.

  10. Congratulations!

    Also, I hate you for how cute you look after labor. Just kidding (mostly). :)

  11. Congratulations! And to have a niece on the same day, completely amazing!

  12. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I can't believe you had her so fast! Was your other delivery like that? She looks like a Kelly to me! Have so much fun with her!

  13. YAY!! How awesome! Congrats and she is beautiful. I'm so glad everyone is healthy. Too cool about the cousin!

  14. congratulations! She is gorgeous! And i absolutely love her name!!

  15. Congrats, she is just gorgeous! My 2nd and 3rd babies came fast and furious also, I have to say I LOVE fast labors :) Looks like you are all doing well, enjoy your new little one!

  16. Congrats! She is beautiful! One of my cousins and I shared a birthday, only he was 4 yrs older than I. It is pretty cool! Little girls are wonderful! I have 3 grown daughters and 6 grand daughters...ages 19,6,4,3,3, & 8mo!
    Enjoy her & your son and the time off! I really enjoy your site!
    Mary Hammons

  17. what a lovely surprise!! Ellie is just beautiful! I can't believe how much hair she has. Congratulations!!

  18. Beautiful! Congrats on your new bundle of joy

  19. Congratulations!! She is just precious!! How nice that big brother is loving his new baby, too. So sweet!! Can't wait to see pics of Ellie is her new dresses made by Mama!! ENJOY every precious moment - they grow all too fast.

  20. Congratulations! Nothing is so special as a newborn baby!

  21. Congratulations!! She is gorgeous, of course! :) Good thing you are a very organized and prepared Mommy. All those wonderful projects you have been doing/making these past weeks paid off with the early arrival, eh? Take care of yourself and get some much needed rest while at the hospital (Ha!! impossible...right?). - Karen

  22. Congrats! She's beautiful.

    And I love a fast labour! hehe

  23. Oh I think she is so precious! I love the picture with big brother too. What a surprise and blessing that she is here now...and to share a birthday with her cousin, how fun.

    Congratulations radiant young mom.

  24. Congrats on the beautiful baby girl! Rest easy and good luck with these exciting and exhausting newborn weeks! :)

  25. Congratulations to all of you. There's nothing sweeter than a new baby. The photo of you with your two children is gorgeous.
    Take time to rest and enjoy!

  26. Congratulations! She's so pretty!! :)

    She's beautiful and she shares my birthday!

  28. That's incredible about the same birthdays! Congratulations!

  29. Congratulations! What a fun surprise. She is gorgeous!

  30. Oh well done! and Congratulations :0)

    Congratulations to her Big Brother too :0)

  31. Congratulations Jessica. I wish you much happiness, love and health for your family

  32. Congrats Jess!!! :) I was just thinking I had not seen an email from you...now I know why! :)

  33. Congrats from Chile. Glad to know everything went so well. It's a cute little princess.

    I wish you the best. God bless you all.

    María Isabel

  34. so cute! Congrats. Those cousins were destined to come together!

  35. That is just lovely!!
    All the best for you and I wish you lots of sleep over the next few months (or years).

  36. Yay! I can't wait to see pictures of her in all her beautiful homemade clothes!

  37. She is LOVELY. SO excited for you. I am glad you are taking a much deserved break to just sit and snuggle that baby.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  38. congratulation!!! She is very adorable ♥

  39. I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your time in the hospital. It's nice to have someone watch after you both.

  40. Congratulations! She is adorable. It's been fun seeing all the cute projects and tutorials you've done lately. Enjoy spending time with your precious baby.

  41. Congratulations to your whole family.

  42. Congratulations to your new little girl. Glad everything went so quickly and both of you are well.
    She is beautiful and looking healthy!!
    Enjoy! i can hardly wait to see pics of Ellie with all the cute little outfits you created for her.

  43. What a beautiful little baby! Look forward to you getting back to some amazing blog posts with the added bundle of joy.


  44. Congratulations on your new baby bundle! Blessings on your fam and this awesome transition!

  45. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family :]

  46. Oh she's beautiful....and how exciting a birthday with her cousin. There's a lucky grandma in the mix too I'm sure!

  47. I meant to say "to share a birthday with her cousin"

  48. Beautiful! Congrats and wow you have a handsome young man to help you!

  49. Congrats Jess!! Perhaps she sensed that you had completed so many darn cute outfits for her that she needed to get out and wear them!

  50. Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl. Her big brother has a lot to be proud of. He is a cutie too!!!! Glad to hear that you are both doing well.

  51. You definitely make beautiful babies!!!! Congratulations!!!! What a nice surprise.

  52. Aww, congratulations! She's adorable. Love that you have her in hair ribbons already!

  53. She is beautiful, Congratulations to you all Hugs Tracee x

  54. They were holding hands on their way down from heaven. Too cute.

  55. Congratulations, she is beautiful! It's so sweet to hear how her big brother already loves her so much <3 and absolutely amazing about the cousins sharing a birthday - too perfect! :D xx

  56. congrats, she's such a cutie. can't wait to see her wearing all her adorable clothes!

  57. o happy day! new babies bring me joy and the sting of happy tears. i'm thrilled for your new bundle. may ellie live a life blessed with light.

  58. Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! Just found your blog and am now your newest follower! I think you've chosen a gorgeous name for her too! xxx

  59. Congratulations! She is precious!

  60. Congratulations! Best wishes! She is so beautiful! (And fantastic on the short delivery!)

  61. She is beautiful! Congratulations!!!

  62. Oh she's so beautiful, Jess! Congrats! I can't wait to meet her.

  63. What a great surprise!
    She is absolutely beautiful!

  64. Congrats! She is just precious.
    My sis and I had twin cousins too. I was due Dec 28th and she was due Jan 30th. We both had them Jan 14th. And now they are 28 years old.


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