
Church Pew to Mud Room Bench

11:57 AM

Thanks for all your comments on my last post!
You're all so encouraging and it seems like there are many who also find it challenging to balance a blog with real life.  Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate them.
solid oak 11 foot church pew cut down for a 4.5' wide bench for our mudroom!
SOURCE: found the 11' center pew on craigslist.  
It was from an older church in our area that was remodeling.  

The estimate was it's around 60-70 years old.
METHOD: Used masking tape to mark 3 different sections for 3 different projects.
Husband used circular saw to cut it into three hunks.
I took the original ends off one hunk to attach it to the longest piece to re-create the original pew in a smaller bench. 
 Connected with glue/ pipe clamps and Kreg jig, pocket holes.
I didn't refinish the wood, just cleaned with Murphy's oil soap.

I think I'll get baskets for additional storage underneath too.
Debated about making a cushion, but decided to keep the original wood minimal bench for now. 
We love the piece of history in our home, the solid construction, and hidden hymn book holders on the back.
My husband suggested I shouldn't buy any more junk before the moved, but this was my last purchase,
 you just never know if you'll even find an 11 foot church pew for a good price.

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  1. beautiful - will it fit in your new home? Best idea was to leave natural.

    1. we're just renting now, so it fits in our laundry area that joins into the kitchen. We have floor plans to hopefully build a home someday, and it would fit in the mudroom off the garage if that ever happens!

  2. I love it - good idea about the cushions - I can see small bottoms just falling off and cushions being tossed all over the floor. That feels like extra work to me :)

    1. that's what I was thinking, or more laundry to wash the cushion when it gets muddy and sticky from kids.

  3. I love everything about this: that you bought it and hauled it on your LAST move (kind of)! Does cross-town count as a move?

    1. Thanks! We got it in idaho actually, so he did have to make room for it in the moving truck--but at least at that point it was in 3 pieces.

  4. I love this... I love that you kept the wood tone and didn't paint it. It's beautiful. =)

  5. have to agree with previous writers I love everything about this including the fact that I am reminded that I have always looked for but never found one. and I think living in an old church bldg. would be super or a schoolhouse or a barn.

    1. I was surprised I found one. I'd been periodically checking on craigslist and jumped at the chance when it came up.

  6. I love it! Beautiful with lots of history!
    Tiffany in NJ

  7. What a fantastic find! I have wanted a church pew forever. I'm glad things are settling a bit for you. Hugs from Idaho. :)

  8. The wood on that bench and the carving is so pretty! I'm glad you didn't change the finish. It is just beautiful as you have left it. It's awesome how you were able to cut it down like that.

  9. Ha ha... I am smiling at your statement of 'you just never know when you're going to find a church pew at a good price'... I am completely on board with your mentality! :) I have long dreamed of a church pew bench, and what a good idea to cut it down. I love it!

  10. That is so pretty! I love how it turned out. A bench would be wonderful for a mudroom. I love the details in the woodwork on it.

  11. That turned out so pretty. And I love how simple you have left it. It would be so easy to embellish it when you want to. Baskets under will be a great way to collect some of the junk that is always by the door. Love it!

  12. I'm in the same boat as everyone else--always wanted a church pew and now jealous of you and yours. It's beautiful. Side story... during one of my summers working with my Dad the general contractor, we had the job of shortening a few pews in our church to accommodate more wheelchair seating. Cutting into those beautiful pews was nerve wracking! You did a really nice job on yours.

    1. that would be cool, I could have used some tips from someone who had already done it!

  13. How cool and special is that? I would love to have an old church bench in my home! Nice reconfiguring!

  14. How cool and special is that? I would love to have an old church bench in my home! Nice reconfiguring!

  15. I've got a 10' pew I want to cut in half for two benches. I'm not familiar with the end construction so not sure how to begin to take one of the ends off. Seem similar to yours. Any advice on how to get one of the ends off? Thanks.


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