
Tutorial: Simplified Cuff for Children's Shirt

9:17 AM

Kids' clothing gets worn out or grown out of very quickly, and so I always try to avoid spending loads of time on it.  I love the way my boy looks in a button down shirt, but the cuff and placket for the sleeve can get a little tedious. So, I've come up with a new method I've been using that allows me to complete the entire shirt in about 25 minutes.

1. Cut out a long sleeve, adding 2" to the finished length. Slash a 4" vertical line about 2" from the outer edge.
Snip a small V at the end of the slash.

2. Prepare double fold strips. Cut 2 strips 1 1/4" wide and about 10" long. Press them into a double fold.
3. Stitch the double fold strip over the slash on the sleeve.
4. Press the faux placket into place and stitch a bar tack at the top.
(Make sure you've got a right sleeve and a left sleeve).

5. Stitch and serge the sleeve seams.

6. Stitch a 1 1/2" hem at the bottom of the sleeve. Top stitch around the the outer edge.
7. Stitch a button hole and attach a button.

 Simplified cuffs are DONE!

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  1. Great idea! Always nice to save time on kids clothes.

  2. Awesome! I hate sewing plackets - happy to have a simpler alternative.

  3. OMG! Lynette, you oughta be President! You are GENIOUS!!! This is fabulous! Boy, if I had HALF of the stuff you have forgotten, I could rule the WORLD!!! Girl, YOU could rule the World! Sleeves are the ONE thing keeping me from making button up shirts, blouses! I'm going to start looking for some back-to-school patterns for my Grandson now. THANK YOU! (>0<) {this is me bowing to you}

  4. So glad you guys like the new trick!

  5. Smart!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow morning that links to your tutorial:

  6. Sorry to rain on your parade, but your 'new trick' has been around for a very long time.
    Enid Gilchrist used it in her self-drafted pattern books back in the 1950s when my mother sewed for us.

  7. Love it! Great idea :) Even if someone else thought of it too.

  8. Can you possible share what pattern you used for your adorable son's shirt? It's so stylish and simple. If you can knock out a shirt in 25 minutes, maybe I could manage one in 2-3 days!

  9. So glad you like the shirt! I used a self drafted pattern.

  10. This is great! I've always been afraid of the "continuous placket" where you have to just barely catch the corner of your slash into the stitching. I can't get close enough and either miss or get a dimple. I love that this results in a cute pleat and is so easy. I just applied your method to a shirt placket for a nightgown for my daughter. Thanks for the tutorial.


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