
Halloween Costume

10:43 AM
For Halloween for Rhett, I didn't want to spend any money, so I thought I'd make him a Gus Gus costume out of scraps I had. Here is a picture of Gus Gus from Cinderella: I couldn't find any two-way stretch fabric for a little yellow crop top so I had a yellow polo that I never wear so I decided to chop...


make overs

Rocking Chair

2:30 PM
When we were in Delta for a month, our nephew had his 16th birthday party, and I don't know why but I was in my sister-in-law's basement rummaging through their stuff and saw this kids' rocking chair. I picked it up and said: "this is awesome". My niece told me, "go ahead and take that piece of junk." My sister-in-law said to take...


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