Lately my son (18 mo. old) has loved playing in forts. But I got tired of repositioning the blankets when they'd fall off the chairs I'd set up, or just sitting under a blanket with him. When I was a kid, my mom made a tepee so I thought I'd throw one together too.This tepee is really roomy, I can play in there...
I've been planning on making some bathing suits for an upcoming trip. I grew up with quite a few handmade suits my mom created, then I made one two summers ago. But it was a swim dress, so a lot easier. So this round I have a real swimsuit planned with elastic in the legs and everything. Some blogs were having a sew...
Earlier this spring, I was watching my neices/ nephews for a , couple weeks. These are my two neices, who are turning 12 this year and going into 6th grade, one day when . While we were there, their maturation program contents came up in conversation. It was so funny. Brooklyn said: "Jess, do you think it's a good idea for us to...
This is one of two custom backpack orders for two sisters. It needed to be durable and large enough for elementary school. After it was all done, I jam packed it to see how much it could hold, and I was surprised how much I could jam in there. It's made out of thick duck canvas. I decided to add a pocket on...
I decided to put Moishe up in the shop here if you want him for yourself. ...
My mother in law has used this highchair since 1969. She loves it because it's obviously durable, folds up, and all metal. I actually don't know how long the cushions have been worn, torn, or completely gone. Every time we visit and pull it out, she comments on needing to recover it. For a while there were towels taped to the seat, but...