
Maze Bookcase For A Coffee Table

1:37 AM

I'm hoping to get some of the projects I made this summer for my husband's office posted.
I designed a standing bookcase for the waiting room coffee table.
There's always the magazines in waiting rooms, but I thought it would be cool to have a small collection of books as an alternative.  I'm sure a lot of people have smartphones and have work or social media to occupy their time if they have to wait, but just to have options.

In the waiting room situation, it was important to have a condense way to display the books so people could see the spines from different directions, so I designed a basic little maze so books could be displayed in three ways.
I figured stacks of books wouldn't get read as much and could look sloppy in a hurry.

 The book maze is built with pine and I used upholstery brads as a texture detail to cover the nail holes on the ends.
One side was painted with the purple accent color to coordinate with the console table I built.
The rest was stained Minwax Classic gray.

I chose a variety of books trying to get something a wide demographic would enjoy, 
from the Far Side Gallery to a cook book.

It turned out pretty cool.
Books can be seen from three sides and stay organized.
I realize a lot of coffee table books in decor are there to look pretty and not necessarily be used, but it might be a cool way to get people into books rather than the latest gossip magazine in the waiting room at least.

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  1. Love this idea - and if only I had such a great pile of books at my Dr Surgery!

  2. That is a sweet book shelf! I love the maze look. How smart!

  3. This is brilliant!! Thanks so much for sharing how you did it and what a lucky husband!! I hope he appreciates all the things you are doing to make his waiting room spectacular.

    1. AMEN AND AMEN. I absolutely could not have said even one word better. This woman rocks.!!!!

  4. I love the option for a better read than the gossip magazines. So refreshing. And I love your nailhead details! Perfect.

  5. Hello, Jessica:

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    http://notbuyinganything.blogspot.pt/2013/10/the-fixers-manifesto.html; http://notbuyinganything.blogspot.pt/2013/07/wabi-sabi-repair.html; http://notbuyinganything.blogspot.pt/2012/09/my-wabi-sabi-life.html.

    Love to meet you. MZ


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