
Baby Bride of Frankenstein Costume

1:03 PM

Costumes for babies can be kind of a waste of time.
I get it, they can't walk or have any idea what Halloween is, but they are so cute!
Our baby Izzie has  ton of hair, but only on top.
My husband said we needed to plan something around her crazy hair, so the obvious choice seemed a baby Bride of Frankenstein.

I ratted her mop of hair and used the spray colors which helped it stay up.
The actual costume took 10 minutes to sew.
I just safety pinned sheer knit strips on a white long sleeved t-shirt and hacked a tank dress from white knit.
This costume was all about the hair.

And her cousin was her Frankenstein date.
These two were pretty cute!

Here's my whole little crew,

Happy Halloween! 

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  1. I agree, baby costumes are kind of over rated. Until they really understand, and can get excited about it...it's kind of like, "what is the point of all this sewing!" I love the simplicity of this costume, and I think it turned out great! I can't believe how much hair she has! Last year my son (6 mos then) wore a tigger onesie that had the belly and stripes. It had been a gift, and it worked perfect for a costume. This year Grandma found a horton hears a who costume at ross for under $7, so we went for it! I imagine as he gets older and has requests, we'll make it happen with the sewing machine. :) I really like how the princess costume turned out too. I like the piping, and the peach color reminds me of princess peach from Mario brothers. The princess is always my choice when we play, since it's the only girl. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. HA Ha best baby costume ever I would love if you would link this to our Halloween link up party. We are pinning and re playing next Halloween.

  3. RJ ?// just too cute. isn't it great to have cousins ?

  4. hehe awesome!!! love the hair, it's perfect. :)

  5. I'm laughing out loud over here. That hair is hilarious! I recently looked at Halloween photos from my infancy, and I loved what my mom made for me. Your little one is gonna love that photo with her cousin. :D

  6. This is too, too cute! These will make for funny memories when she gets older, and it can be fun to dress babies up because they really don't care what they dress up as - in a couple years she'll be much more opinionated. :)

    1. yes, this is only the 2nd time I've dressed up a baby and it all had to do with a crazy idea, not the fact they needed to dress up! Poor babies at the mercy of crazy mom's ideas!

  7. so great! you're both adorable ^_^


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